The Independent

Ohio’s draconian stance on abortion shows us that equality can go backwards


The US was once seen as the New World, and in many ways it still enjoys that status. It’s home to Silicon Valley, the hub of technologi­cal advances, and the American Dream is still beckoning millions of immigrants each year.

However, in other ways, many parts of the US remain stuck in the past – or are at least determined to return there.

Legislatio­n that would criminalis­e performing abortions after a foetal heartbeat is detected – usually around the six-week mark – is one step closer to being introduced in Ohio, after the state’s House of Representa­tives passed the so-called ‘heartbeat bill’ last week. The proposed legislatio­n makes no exception for cases of rape or incest.

If the bill becomes law, this would severely restrict the rights afforded to women. At the moment, abortion is legal in the state – but a viability test is required after 20 weeks.

Ohio legalised same-sex marriage in 2015, albeit only after the Supreme Court overturned previous court rulings that upheld a ban. This hard-won victory was not, as some may have hoped, an indication that the state had become a champion of equality.

This is starkly evident due to the fact that the progress of the heartbeat bill has renewed interest in another proposed abortion law in Ohio: House Bill 565. Under this proposal, a foetus would be considered a person from conception to birth, leaving those who perform or undergo abortions open to severe punishment – and even the death penalty.

This is the stuff of Handmaid’s Tale-esque nightmares: under the proposals, the rights granted to the foetus would be given greater weight than ever before, and women would effectivel­y have no choice over what to do with their own bodies.

The proposals in Ohio show just how draconian lawmakers can be when it comes to women’s reproducti­ve rights.

Furthermor­e, they serve as a reminder that just because a state has liberalise­d its laws in one area, it doesn’t necessaril­y follow that other legislatio­n will go the same way, and it certainly doesn’t indicate that attitudes are generally becoming more liberal. And this problem is not just restricted to the US.

Northern Ireland is the only part of the UK where a woman can still face a prison sentence for terminatin­g a pregnancy, and where gay couples still cannot marry

The huge success of two recent referendum campaigns in Ireland, which saw same-sex marriage legalised and a constituti­onal ban on abortion overturned, signalled a refreshing sea change in a country that was so modern in some ways, and positively backwards in others.

But it also served to highlight the hideous hypocrisy of British politician­s, who have allowed antediluvi­an abortion laws to persist in Northern Ireland. It’s the only part of the UK where a woman can still face a prison sentence for terminatin­g a pregnancy, and where gay couples still cannot marry.

This sorry state of affairs only became harder to change when Theresa May entered into her toxic relationsh­ip with the DUP, which takes a hardline stance against abortion and equal marriage, on religious grounds. (Like many of the DUP’s other policies, this stance goes against what evidence suggests most Northern Irish people actually want.)

Of course, this disparity between Great Britain and Northern Ireland has existed for years in relation to same-sex marriage, and decades when it comes to abortion. People have long been railing against these bigoted, sexist and old-fashioned laws.

What’s different now is that the successful campaign to repeal the eighth amendment in Ireland – which effectivel­y bans abortions – has made the problem harder to ignore. The movement lit a fire under campaigner­s in Northern Ireland. It showed that change can be achieved but it requires a sustained, vocal, organised and resilient movement.

And as the potential new laws in Ohio show, it’s best not to assume that a battle won means the fight is over.

There will always be those who see progress as the enemy, and recent global events have shown how easy it is for societies to regress. Defending equality requires constant vigilance.

 ??  ?? Just because a state has liberalise­d its laws in one area, it doesn’t necessaril­y follow that other legislatio­n will go the same way (Reuters)
Just because a state has liberalise­d its laws in one area, it doesn’t necessaril­y follow that other legislatio­n will go the same way (Reuters)

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