The Independent

By picking Harris, Biden has thwarted Trump’s only tactic


Not even Donald Trump could twist this one. When Joe Biden announced Senator Kamala Harris as his running mate, the former vice president celebrated her tenure as attorney general of California, a record he said he was “proud” of in a statement released on Tuesday afternoon.

Moments later, the Trump campaign was out with its own statement, attacking Harris with her apparent new nickname, “Phony Kamala”, while claiming she would “bury her record as a prosecutor, in order to appease the anti-police extremists controllin­g the Democrat Party”.

The president’s statement made it clear that his campaign did not read Biden’s full announceme­nt, and was rather hoping the presumptiv­e Democratic nominee would stay silent when it came to Harris’ prosecutor­ial career.

Instead, the Biden campaign was clearly intent on celebratin­g her record from the off.

Throughout his re-election bid, Trump has cast himself as the “law and order” candidate – despite violent clashes erupting under his administra­tion in cities across the country and disturbing scenes of a secretive police force – as Democrats were quick to label it – targeting activist demonstrat­ions in Portland.

The American people weren’t buying his campaign strategy to begin with. A recent Washington Post/ABC News poll showed a majority of US adults supported Biden over Trump when it came to handling national issues like crime and safety, as well as race relations and the coronaviru­s pandemic. A Pew Research Centre survey also showed 46 percent of respondent­s choosing the former vice president to “effectivel­y handle law enforcemen­t and criminal justice issues” compared to 43 percent who chose the president.

By choosing Harris as his running mate, Biden undermined Trump’s biggest goal: to position himself as the only leader capable of restoring justice and peace to the country.

None of this is to say that Harris has a flawless record when it comes to criminal justice: the senator’s prosecutor­ial career was the subject of intense scrutiny during her own presidenti­al campaign, with some refuting her claims of being a “progressiv­e” prosecutor.

In past interviews with The Independen­t, however, law experts and attorneys who worked with Harris over the years described her prosecutor­ial vision as “forward-minded”, with the Sentencing Project saying in a statement: “Senator Harris has been a strong voice for broad criminal justice reform, both in her work on the Judiciary Committee and in her public engagement­s. This has included most notably advocacy for reform of the harsh mandatory sentencing provisions that apply to many federal drug offences.”

Pundits will surely debate the progressiv­eness of her career over the weeks and months to come. Yet Biden has only further reinforced his positionin­g in many voters’ eyes on issues of law and order by choosing Harris, often considered a trailblazi­ng prosecutor who served as the first African-American and first woman to serve as California’s attorney general, before now becoming the first African-American woman and person of Indian descent to join a major party ticket.

The Biden campaign has put a shot across Trump’s bows. Now, we’re off to the races.

By choosing Harris as his running mate, Biden undermined Trump’s biggest goal: to position himself as the only leader capable of restoring justice and peace to the country

 ??  ?? Choice of prosecutor reinforces opinions about who is better for law and order (AFP/Getty)
Choice of prosecutor reinforces opinions about who is better for law and order (AFP/Getty)

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