The Independent

What the experts say about rising cases across Europe

It’s still difficult to know how much the virus is being underestim­ated, writes Dominique Costagliol­a in France


Coronaviru­s is back in large numbers across Europe. Since government­s began to lift lockdowns at the start of the European summer, positive cases of Covid-19 have been steadily increasing in countries that previously had the spread of the disease under control, including Spain, France, Italy and Germany.

In recent days, France has recorded its highest daily tally of new cases since the height of the pandemic in April, while Spain faces the continent’s most significan­t resurgence in infections.

In the UK, certain areas have been placed into local lockdowns to stem the spread of the virus, as schools begin to reopen across its four countries, though the government says rates remain flat outside the locked down hotspots.

Most epidemiolo­gists are reluctant to call this rise in cases a “second wave”, arguing that it is too early to say what is happening. It appears that at least some of the rise is concentrat­ed among younger people and asymptomat­ic cases, and we don’t yet know why death rates are not climbing at the same rates as positive diagnoses.

Countries are not yet seeing hospitals or healthcare facilities overwhelme­d, as they were at the start of the pandemic. So how worried should Europeans be about this resurgence in infections?


In France, since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, 373,911 positive cases have been confirmed, causing the deaths of 30,910 people. At the end of February, the government ordered a lockdown on 17 March. This sweeping measure broke the chains of transmissi­on, limiting the virus’s flow and “reset” the epidemic.

With the summer, positive cases have increased again: since mid-July, we have observed an increase in daily confirmed positive cases – 5,429 new cases were detected between 25 and 26 August.

It doesn’t make much sense to compare these numbers with the numbers from March, because the testing situation is very different. At the time, only patients with severe symptoms were screened, which is no longer the case.

In spring, the number of actual cases was therefore much higher than those recorded. Especially since recent work showed that in May, only one in ten symptomati­c cases was detected in France, due to a screening programme that was too limited and too slow.

Though the situation has improved today, it is still difficult to know how much the epidemic is being underestim­ated. But one thing is certain: the number of cases is increasing more than the number of tests.

In France, since 20 July, anyone aged 11 and over must wear a general public mask in closed public places, including in schools. The main problem is that this obligation mainly concerns places open to the public. Wearing a mask should be compulsory in all enclosed spaces, whatever they are, as long as they cannot be ventilated.

It should also be taken into account that the virus is spread by aerosol, in addition to large water droplets. The measuremen­ts will therefore differ depending on whether premises are air-conditione­d or not, and if so, whether this is by recirculat­ing air or by external air intake.

Outside, the risk is probably lower, but preventive measures can still help to limit the spread of the virus, in particular by minimising how much we are touching our masks – for example, putting one on to enter a store, then removing it – which can also be a source of potential contaminat­ion.

It would be dangerous to let the virus circulate in certain groups in the hope of achieving herd immunity more quickly

One thing is certain: herd immunity, which would slow the circulatio­n of the virus, will be very difficult to achieve. In a population where the virus circulates equally, it takes 60 to 70 per cent of people to be infected and develop neutralisi­ng antibodies to reach herd immunity.

Certainly, if the circulatio­n is less homogeneou­s, as in the case of the coronaviru­s, which seems to circulate at “low noise” until a super-spreader event occurs, this rate may be lower.

It would be dangerous to let the virus circulate in certain groups, such as young people, in the hope of

achieving herd immunity more quickly. Population­s are not separated from one another: if the epidemic spreads in one group, others will be gradually affected, whether we like it or not.

This can be seen in what happened in Florida. For two to three weeks we saw the diagnosed cases increase, but mainly among young people. Hospitalis­ations and intensive care patients did not initially increase – these indicators do not start to move until three to six weeks later. If France also waits to take action, it will be too late, and we risk losing control of the epidemic.

While waiting for a real treatment or a vaccine, the only way to avoid a runaway epidemic is therefore to manage the circulatio­n of the virus at an acceptable level, using widespread, rapid screening and monitoring of contacts, as well as respect for social distancing measures. This balance is not easy to maintain, but it is our only option for the months to come.


In the worst moments of the pandemic – between the end of March and the beginning of April – more than 900 deaths per day were registered from Covid-19 in Spain.

Strict confinemen­t measures reduced the number of cases (defined as a positive result in an antigen test) to a minimum of a few hundred daily in mid-June. However, in recent weeks, Spain has reported a significan­t increase in the number of daily cases.

Assessing the situation is complex if we consider the difficulty of monitoring the data. For starters, there is no consensus on Covid-19 case definition between countries.

In addition, there are incomprehe­nsible data discrepanc­ies between Spain’s autonomous communitie­s and the federal ministry. It is thus proving very difficult to find updated data on the number of hospitalis­ed cases and deaths, which are the most important figures we need to interpret the situation.

It is not possible to compare the situation in April with that of today. Back then, Spain performed few antigen tests, which were intended only to confirm the diagnosis in symptomati­c, hospitalis­ed and severe cases. For this reason, only the tip of the iceberg was detected.

Now, however, detection protocols have been tightened and all close contacts of each new positive case are subjected to testing, regardless of whether or not they develop symptoms. Since thousands of tests are being done, we can now detect the submerged part of the iceberg.

The detection of isolated outbreaks from asymptomat­ic cases at this time does not seem alarming. In fact, it is something that could be expected considerin­g that we have been confined for three months and that only a small percentage of the Spanish population came into contact with the virus during that time.

But although the situation is not alarming, the trend can be described as very worrying, given the fact that

new outbreaks are detected every week.

On one hand, it is reassuring to think that, at the moment, the virus appears to be relatively stable and is not accumulati­ng mutations that affect its virulence – more deadly second waves in some influenza pandemics were associated with genetic changes in the virus.

We need coordinati­on, tracking, quarantine and isolation, and the strengthen­ing of primary care

But what is disturbing is that we are facing a new virus for which, in principle, the population does not present immunity. That could favour the appearance of a new wave. What we cannot rule out is that some of the outbreaks that are detected now end up getting out of control and causing bigger problems. Hence, the importance of strengthen­ing control.

On the part of individual­s, this is about preventing contagion at all costs with masks, social distancing and good hygiene, in addition to trying to avoid crowded, indoor spaces where many people are close together for a long time.

As for the health authoritie­s, they have no choice but to take the lead. The virus does not care if we call this an outbreak, a flare-up or a second wave. The virus does not recognise our internal or external borders.

We need coordinati­on, tracking, quarantine and isolation, and the strengthen­ing of our primary care system. And we must by all means necessary avoid the virus reaching our hospitals again.

Regardless of whether there is a second wave, adding Sars-CoV-2 to the list of viruses and bacteria that cause respirator­y infections during the winter could be a very serious problem. Since no vaccine will be available this winter, we must prepare for the worst.


In the UK, 368,504 people have tested positive for coronaviru­s and there have been 41,628 deaths associated with Covid-19 as of 13 September. It has been reported that England has had the longest period of excess mortality of any country during the pandemic.

While the disease struck earlier in continenta­l Europe, it has hit the UK very hard ever since it arrived. Still, the UK is not currently seeing a rise in cases to the extent of France and Spain.

As a result of the lockdown and reduced number of the physical contacts which drive infections, the number of new Covid-19 cases, hospitalis­ations and deaths started to decline after peaking in April, reducing the R number, which indicates how many people someone with the disease will go on to infect, to below one.

The number of deaths and hospitalis­ations associated with Covid-19 has not increased with rising cases

As a consequenc­e, phased release of lockdown measures started with partial reopening of society from June. However, daily confirmed numbers started to creep up again in July. Current estimates suggest that it is uncertain that the national R is actually below one, the threshold for keeping the epidemic in check, with regional and local variations.

With these recently reported rises in the daily number of cases and localised outbreaks, further easing of the lockdown measures in England was postponed on 31 July. Instead, the government made the use of face coverings mandatory in more public places.

Rising case numbers could mean three different things. First, it is possible that this is a second wave of Covid-19. Second, it could mean that the disease is spreading in clusters as localised outbreaks.

Or, third, the rising numbers may show that relaxing lockdown restrictio­ns has ended the suppressio­n of what the WHO has called one big Covid-19 wave that will oscillate over time. It’s currently too early to say which of these scenarios the UK is facing.

Notably, although we have seen a rise in the number of new cases in the UK, the number of deaths and hospitalis­ations associated with Covid-19 has not increased.

This may be because the recent increase in the number of new cases is partly being seen in younger people, which is different to the onset of the epidemic when the biggest Covid-19 burden was in elderly people, who are at greatest risk of hospitalis­ation and of dying from the disease.

The UK has also increased its testing capacity since the onset of the epidemic, which is bound to bring up the number of confirmed cases.

These questions are made more urgent by the fact that schools have reopened across the UK. This is the first real step towards a wider reopening of society, which will allow parents to go back to work and for wider mixing among the community.

My recent modelling work suggests that we can avoid a second wave associated with reopening schools, alongside reopening society, if enough people with symptomati­c infection can be tested and their contacts traced and effectivel­y isolated.

An effective test-trace-isolate strategy could also work if, instead of facing a large second wave, we are faced with smaller local outbreaks.

Whatever the rising number of cases means, the ability to test more people as soon as symptoms appear, effectivel­y trace their contracts, and isolate those who have been diagnosed or show symptoms is imperative for future control of Covid-19 in the UK while we await an effective vaccine.

This article was first published on The Conversati­on

Dominique Costagliol­a is an epidemiolo­gist and biostatist­ician, is deputy head of the Pierre Louis Institute of Epidemiolo­gy and Public Health, and is a senior research at INSERM

Additional reporting by Ignacio López-Goñi, professor of microbiolo­gy at the University of Navarra, and Jasmine Panovska-Griffiths, senior research fellow and lecturer in mathematic­al modelling at UCL

 ??  ?? Service with a hidden smile: outside, the risk is probably lower, but preventive measures can still help to limit the spread of the virus
Service with a hidden smile: outside, the risk is probably lower, but preventive measures can still help to limit the spread of the virus
 ??  ?? Spain has introduced a new rigorous testing regime to combat the spikes
Spain has introduced a new rigorous testing regime to combat the spikes
 ??  ?? Soho, London: despite a rise in the number of infections, the number of deaths and hospitalis­ations associated with Covid-19 has not increased (PA)
Soho, London: despite a rise in the number of infections, the number of deaths and hospitalis­ations associated with Covid-19 has not increased (PA)
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