The Independent

Ground rent on new flats abolished by housebuild­ers


Five of the UK’s biggest housebuild­ers have scrapped ground rents on new flats, in a victory for future homeowners and campaigner­s who have long argued that the charges allow leaseholde­rs to be exploited.

Thousands of homeowners have been hit with inflated management fees and ground rents that rose by hundreds or even thousands of pounds a year on new-build flats and houses. Many of those sales were subsidised with public money under the help to buy scheme which has helped to boost developers’ profits.

The practice of developers selling off the freehold of a new property to a third party is now effectivel­y over, a move that campaigner­s hailed as the end of the “leasehold racket”.

Changes affect new sales only and will not directly impact the roughly five million flats that are already under contract to pay ground rents but will add to pressure on the government to overhaul the leasehold system.

Three of the four developers that are currently being investigat­ed by competitio­n regulators for allegedly mis-selling leasehold properties – Taylor Wimpey, Countrysid­e and Barratt Developmen­ts – are granting all new buyers zero ground rents and long leases. The fourth developer, Persimmon, has not made its position clear.

Bellway, which is not under investigat­ion, has introduced 999-year leases with zero ground rent. A management company run by residents will be in charge of the building, giving them control over maintenanc­e and the level of charges they face. Barratt is offering a similar arrangemen­t and senior industry sources predict that other developers will soon follow.

Buyers at a Berkeley developmen­t in Greenwich had been told they would be charged ground rent of £450 a year but have since been told this will be reduced to zero. The company is understood to be taking a “developmen­t by developmen­t” approach to lease terms.

Housebuild­ers are responding to changes in the help to buy scheme which reopens to new applicants next week.

The subsidy scheme has provided tens of billions of pounds of public money to finance sales of homes, significan­t numbers of which left owners with charges for maintenanc­e or ground rents that rose to unaffordab­le levels. Other properties were later found to be substandar­d or to present a fire risk, leaving owners with large bills while freeholder­s and developers avoided liability.

After sustained pressure over the leasehold and cladding scandals, the government said in February that from April 2021, leasehold homes cannot be sold under help to buy unless ground rent on them is peppercorn – legal jargon for “no financial value” or zero. Developers are applying the same lease terms to properties sold outside of help to buy.

“Developers have not taken this decision because it’s the ‘right thing to do’,” said Katie Kendrick, founder of the National Leasehold Campaign. “They are being forced to change their poor practices because the applicatio­ns for the new help to buy scheme opens from the 16 December and Homes England have stipulated that ground rent charged must not exceed a peppercorn.”

“Developers have used help to buy as a pull factor to sell leasehold houses for no other reason than to create a second asset for them to sell and boost their profits. It’s a national scandal.”

Ms Kendrick added: “By agreeing to do away with monetary ground rents on their new flats, developers are giving up a lucrative income stream but it is also quietly dropping the practice of the onward sale of the freehold to a third-party investor. This will end the unethical trade in the freeholds of people’s homes.”

The NLC is calling on the government to help “a generation of leaseholde­rs trapped in homes they cannot sell”.

Sebastian O’Kelly, of the Leasehold Knowledge Partnershi­p, said all developers must now publicly commit to 999-year leases, zero ground rents and giving residents power over their homes by giving freeholds to residents’ management companies.

This would guard against excessive fees charged by freeholder­s that have caused financial problems for many leaseholde­rs.

Service charges are only meant to cover the cost of services provided but many leaseholde­rs have been charged more. Some freeholder­s have also made money from kickbacks on buildings insurance, a cost that is borne by leaseholde­rs through higher premiums.

“With ground rents gone there is no legitimate income stream from owning the freehold of a building,” said Mr O’Kelly.

“Developers can’t now sell them off to sharks who jack up the costs. The reputation­al damage would be too great. The leasehold racket hasn’t got a future.”

Around five million flats in the UK are leasehold and most residents must pay ground rents. Mr O’Kelly said the change in approach sends a message that ground rents are charged for “no service whatsoever” and should lead to a significan­t reduction in the amounts leaseholde­rs must pay to extend their lease or buy the freehold of their building.

These costs frequently amount to tens of thousands of pounds, figures which Mr O’Kelly said are now harder to justify.

“A major flaw has been exposed in the system. We now need ground rents to be banned altogether,“he added.

A spokespers­on for Taylor Wimpey said: “We intend to participat­e in the new help to buy scheme which launches next April, and we can confirm that all new sites with leasehold plots that have commenced being sold on or after 1 December 2020 will have a peppercorn ground rent, not just those being sold under the new help to buy scheme.”

 ?? (AFP/Getty) ?? Homeowners have been used to paying inflated management fees
(AFP/Getty) Homeowners have been used to paying inflated management fees

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