The Independent

Johnson’s chief adviser on union sacked after bust-up


Boris Johnson’s chief adviser on the union has been replaced following reports of a bust-up at No 10 on the UK government’s strategy to counter rising support for Scottish independen­ce.

Former Scottish Tory MP Luke Graham is understood to have been sacked from his role advising the prime minister, as Downing Street looks to “beef up” its union unit ahead of Holyrood elections this spring. A “furious dispute” over strategy followed Mr Johnson’s controvers­ial visit to Scotland last week in a bid to build support for union, according to an account in the Financial Times. It is unclear whether Mr Graham had recommende­d the trip north of the border – condemned by SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon as unnecessar­y travel – but he is said to have been unhappy with No 10’s wider strategy, the report added.

The prime minister’s official spokesman confirmed Mr Graham left his position yesterday – only two days after press secretary Allegra Stratton said he was a “very valued member of staff”. Despite successive polls

showing majority support for independen­ce in Scotland, the spokesman said Mr Johnson remained the “voice of the majority of the Scottish people” who rejected independen­ce at the referendum in 2014. Downing Street officials made clear the adviser was replaced in the role, with sources telling Sky News he “hasn’t been particular­ly effective” or “made enough headway”. Mr Graham, the former Conservati­ve MP for Ochil and South Perthshire, missed out on being re-elected at the 2019 election despite the Tory’s landslide victory.

Oliver Lewis – a leading figure in the recent Brexit negotiatio­ns – is now expected to take over the unit working to keep Scotland in the UK following Mr Graham’s departure. Mr Lewis, a veteran of the Vote Leave campaign, is said to be keen on leading a larger team, with one insider promising the union unit would now be “beefed up”.

The latest independen­ce poll, by Panelbase, showed a majority of Scots in favour of a breakaway by a margin of 52 per cent to 48 per cent once undecideds are removed. With the SNP widely expected to triumph at the Holyrood election in May, leading political figures in Scotland are now discussing the possibilit­y of a third option being on the ballot paper at any future independen­ce referendum.

The country’s top trade unionist suggested any vote should include a “devolution max” option. Scottish Trades Union Congress general secretary Roz Foyer said yesterday: “Any such referendum need not be a binary choice between independen­ce and the status quo”. The union leader said a third option offering a devo-max choice would be a “welcome addition to the debate”. Scottish Labour has been reluctant to show any support for another referendum, but Labour MSP Neil Findlay has backed the devo-max option if a vote is held.

In a recent blog post, he said: “We have to expand the democratic choice the voters have to avoid forcing them into choosing between two unpalatabl­e positions. Not to expand the options available is antidemocr­atic and wrong.”

 ??  ?? Luke Graham’s exit follows PM’s visit to Scotland last week (UK Parliament)
Luke Graham’s exit follows PM’s visit to Scotland last week (UK Parliament)

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