The Independent

My husband’s return to the office means all the parenting duties will again fall to me


Before the pandemic hit, I combined working from home Monday to Friday as a freelance writer and looking after our two children, six and seven. My husband, an insurance broker, commuted to London full time. The March 2020 lockdown forced him to work from home, and we began to share childcare more equally. This sense of

shared daily parenting has brought many benefits not just to me but also to our family. And as much as I struggle to admit this because I know many people have suffered more than me during lockdown, I’m dreading it when he goes back to work, and the majority of parenting responsibi­lities return to me.

But it’s not just about the time-saving factors or the school run logistics; it’s about the feeling the more collaborat­ed parenting approach provides. And this is where I risk sounding like a spoilt brat, but the current situation feels equal; more like a partnershi­p where we both share the day-to-day. All the responsibi­lities of being a parent to young children are for both of us to bear. There’s a sense of being in it together and an awareness and appreciati­on for the roles we are carrying out as working parents.

And he sees what it’s like. I mean, really sees it. He hears the moaning about doing homework or the need to nag several times for a child to put their shoes on for school. In the past, many of the emotional challenges have been on me.

I understand that lockdown is easing and, of course, I’m happy about it but I want to, and want my family to, hold onto some of the benefits

The pandemic and the remote working model has benefited us as a family. I enjoy having my husband around for company, and sometimes we co-work, although admittedly, I won’t miss the insurance chat. Our children love their dad taking them to school, and it’s built a closeness between them that wasn’t there when he wasn’t at home a lot.

I’m bored of the sound of my own voice with regards to his anticipate­d return. I regularly ask when he will be back in the office (sometime in May is the expectatio­n) and whether this will be every day, set days, odd days and whatever else I ask to sound mildly neurotic. The truth is, he doesn’t know. It looks likely there will be an initial part-time pattern of office work, but the future is cloudy, and I need to accept that.

There are other benefits to working from home. A recent study, by the Chartered Institute of Personnel Developmen­t, found that worker productivi­ty increased during lockdown, and businesses should consider hybrid working (a mix of workplace and remote working) as lockdown eases. In addition, my husband seems less stressed and tired due to the lack of commuting, and he recognises that he doesn’t necessaril­y need to be in the office full-time. It’s a mindset change that I never imagined he’d adopt.

I understand that lockdown is easing and, of course, I’m happy about it but I want to, and want my family to, hold onto some of the benefits. If possible, I hope we have a compromise where my husband adopts a hybrid working role. I’m not saying parents shouldn’t return to the office, but I think the hybrid pattern will benefit many parents, children and businesses. Ideally, I want my boys to continue to benefit from us both

being around a lot and for my husband to attend a sports day without rushing for the next available train because there’s an expectatio­n that he must be in the office.

For all the trauma and upheaval Covid-19 has delivered, I hope long term it helps to allow families more flexibilit­y when it comes to work. A continued remote or hybrid work pattern can bring a sense of unified parenting and solidarity that wasn’t possible for many of us pre-Covid.

And yes, I admit I’d really like to keep sharing the school runs.

 ?? (Getty) ?? We now share the school runs, which makes a big difference to my working day
(Getty) We now share the school runs, which makes a big difference to my working day

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