The Independent

Help end ‘hell’ in Belarus, opposition leader tells PM


Boris Johnson said the UK is “on the side” of the Belarusian opposition leader Sviatlana Tsikhanous­kaya, welcoming her to No 10 as internatio­nal pressure continues to mount on the country’s authoritar­ian regime.

The autocratic government of Alexander Lukashenko has been under scrutiny following the treatment of exiled Olympic sprinter Krystsina Tsimanousk­aya and the death of Belarusian activist Vitaly Shishov – found hanged in a park in Ukraine.

After meeting Ms Tsikhanous­kaya at Downing Street yesterday, the prime minister told her: “We are very much on your side, very much in support of what you are doing. We are committed to supporting human rights and civil society in Belarus.”

Ms Tsikhanous­kaya said she wanted to see “more pressure” from the UK and other western leaders on Mr Lukashenko, claiming a non-violent transition to democracy from the “hell” of his regime was possible.

The pro-democracy leader suggested that imposing more economic sanctions on the Belarusian government could lead to change. “We want more support, more pressure, more assistance, more solidarity,” she said.

Ms Tsikhanous­kaya claims to have won last year’s presidenti­al election in Belarus, which she condemned as “rigged”. But Mr Lukashenko, who has ruled Belarus since 1994, claims he won, forcing the opposition leader to flee to Lithuania after a crackdown on protesters.

Her meeting at No 10 came as Ukrainian police launched an investigat­ion into the death of Vitaly Shishov – the head of an organisati­on helping Belarusian­s fleeing persecutio­n – who was found hanged in a park near his Kyiv home on Monday.

Saying she was “devastated” by his death, the Belarusian opposition leader said it was too early to say whether he was murdered. “I’m sure everyone knows who is responsibl­e,” she said. “It is worrying that those who flee Belarus still can’t be safe.”

When asked if she suspected if the Lukashenko regime or a regime ally such as Russia may be responsibl­e, she said: “We have to wait for the investigat­ion.”

Ms Tsikhanous­kaya said she understood she could “disappear at any moment”. She said that if this happened the democratic movement she had started in Belarus and among the Belarusian diaspora “will continue without me”.

Police in Ukraine are treating Mr Shishov’s death as suspicious, possibly a murder dressed up as a suicide. The activist ran the Belarusian House in Ukraine (BDU), an organisati­on helping those who have fled Belarus find accommodat­ion, work and legal advice in Kyiv.

The BDU said security cameras showed Mr Shishov leaving his home at 9am on Monday, and that he would normally have returned an hour later. His colleagues scoured the neighbourh­ood where he used to run but could not find any traces of him.

“There is no doubt that this was an operation planned by Chekists [state-security operatives] to liquidate a Belarusian who presented a true danger to the regime,” the organisati­on stated.

The treatment of Olympic sprinter Krystsina Tsimanousk­aya has also focused internatio­nal attention on autocratic rule in Belarus. Ms Tsimanousk­aya has been granted a visa by Poland after saying she feared for her safety at the Tokyo games.

The drama unfolded after Tsimanousk­aya hit out at how officials were managing her team – setting off a massive backlash in

state-run media in Belarus, where the authoritie­s relentless­ly crack down on critics.

Her husband, Arseniy Zdanevich, fled to Ukraine on the same day, saying that despite just being “normal sports people”, the pair were at risk of political persecutio­n in their home country.

With the events concerning Ms Tsimanousk­aya and her husband coinciding so closely with the death of Mr Shishov, there had been speculatio­n that the incidents may have been linked.

Yet The Independen­t spoke to a representa­tive, who did not wish to be named, of a separate Ukraine-based Belarusian human rights organisati­on helping people flee the country, who said that their organisati­on was in fact involved in helping Mr Zdanevich leave Belarus.

Yesterday the Foreign Office called on Mr Lukashenko to commit to fresh elections, a year on from the disputed poll. A spokesman said: “Our message is clear: the Lukashenko regime must commit to meaningful dialogue and new elections.

“They must allow the Belarusian people the freedom to choose their own government and democratic­ally decide their own future.”

Mr Johnson told Ms Tsikhanous­kaya his government “strongly supports you”, pointing to the fact that the UK was among the first to announce sanctions after the hijacking of Belarusian

journalist Roman Protasevic­h from a diverted Ryanair flight in May.

The UK, the US and Canada all imposed travel bans and asset freezes against senior-ranking officials in the Belarusian regime after the detention of Mr Protasevic­h.

The opposition leader welcomed the existing sanctions, but told reporters after her meeting that she wanted the UK to help create “multiple points of pressure” on the regime – including more political pressure. “Be with us, it’s your responsibi­lity,” she said.

“I absolutely believe in a non-violent transition of power,” Ms Tsikhanous­kaya said after a meeting Belarusian diaspora groups in London. “What is going on in Belarus is our pain – we want this hell finished as soon as possible in our country.”

She added: “When we put enough pressure on the regime there will be no other way out. I really believe Belarus can be a success story of a peaceful transition of power.”

Mr Lukashenko, who said in 2012 that he was “the last dictator in Europe”, has sought support from Russian president Vladimir Putin during recent pro-democracy protests, which he cast as an attempt by the west to stoke a revolution. He has also dismissed Ms Tsikhanous­kaya as a “housewife”.

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 ?? (PA) ?? Be l arusian opposition l eader Sviat l ana Tsikhanous­kaya meets Boris Johnson at No 10
(PA) Be l arusian opposition l eader Sviat l ana Tsikhanous­kaya meets Boris Johnson at No 10
 ??  ?? Activist Vita l y Shishov (Human Rights Centre Viasna)
Activist Vita l y Shishov (Human Rights Centre Viasna)
 ?? (AP) ?? Alexander Lukashenko has sought support from Vladimir Putin during recent pro - democracy protests
(AP) Alexander Lukashenko has sought support from Vladimir Putin during recent pro - democracy protests
 ??  ?? Belarus exiles group leader found hanged in Ukraine
Belarus exiles group leader found hanged in Ukraine

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