The Independent

Drought could leave Europe on the verge of catastroph­e


Europe is on the verge of a catastroph­e as groundwate­r reserves dry up, scientists have warned. During the summer months of 2018 and 2019, there was a severe water shortage in central Europe. Since then, there has been no significan­t rise in groundwate­r levels, which have remained constantly low.

The severe drought is damaging natural habitats, affecting agricultur­e and creating major energy shortages, a new study reveals. The effects of this prolonged drought were evident in Europe during the summer of 2022.

Dry riverbeds and the slow disappeara­nce of stagnant waters severely impacted both nature and people. Numerous aquatic species lost their habitats, while dry soil caused many problems for agricultur­e. The energy shortage in Europe also worsened as a result. Without sufficient amounts of cooling water, nuclear power plants in France struggled to generate enough electricit­y. Hydroelect­ric power plants also struggled to fulfil their function due to the lack of water.

To gather their data, the team used satellite gravimetry to observe the world’s groundwate­r resources and document changes seen over several years. Twin satellites situated 490km above Earth calculated the planet’s total mass and used it to determine gravity field maps. These satellites speed around the earth at around 30,000 km/hr, orbiting the Earth 15 times a day.

Dr Torsten Mayer-Gürr, a professor at Graz University of Technology, Austria, and study author, said: “The processing and the computatio­nal effort here are quite large. We have a distance measuremen­t every five seconds and thus about half a million measuremen­ts per month. From this, we then determine gravity field maps.”

However, these gravity maps cannot show the exact amount of groundwate­r on the planet, as the satellites do not distinguis­h between sea, lakes or groundwate­r. To work out separate masses for each body of water, other partners in the EU G3P project had to help out. While the twin satellites provided the total mass, the changes in mass of the rivers, lakes, soil moisture, snow and ice were subtracted, leaving only the level of groundwate­r.

The result of this cooperatio­n shows that the water situation in Europe has now become very precarious. Dr Mayer-Gürr said: “A few years ago, I would never have imagined that water would be a problem here in Europe, especially in Germany or Austria. We are actually getting problems with the water supply here – we have to think about this.”

The study was published in the journal Geophysica­l Research Letters.


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 ?? (AFP/Getty) ?? The dried - up Guadiana river in the Spanish region of Extremadur­a in August l ast year
(AFP/Getty) The dried - up Guadiana river in the Spanish region of Extremadur­a in August l ast year
 ?? (Nasa) ?? Water shortages and extreme heat have created a precarious situation
(Nasa) Water shortages and extreme heat have created a precarious situation

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