The Jewish Chronicle

School was totally unprepared


the community ever thought about a possible attack. “They are not security-minded. Even at the shul I go to on Shabbat there is no security. The community believes it is the state’s responsibi­lity to provide security. They have not learned that we have to look after ourselves. They will put a sticking plaster on it now but not get to the real root of what they have to do.”

Baruch Sabbagh, a teacher at the school and a study-partner of Rabbi Sandler, said: “We haven’t had any antisemiti­c incidents here. This is a quiet area without many Muslims.”

Following the attack, French Interior Minister Claude Gueant promised that all religious schools would be protected by the police.

Community president Arie Ben Simhon said: “We have been given assurances that the 12 synagogues and three Jewish schools in the city will have constant police protection. Until now, one day there were guards, another there were none. I hope from now on they will remain constant.”

But not everyone was optimistic. Dan Zikri, an 18-year-old student and former Ozar Hatorah pupil, said: “We can’t go around the city with a kippah openly because you will get shoved or cursed by Muslims. It isn’t comfortabl­e being Jewish here, everyone will tell you that and many of the young men have undergone training to help provide security for the community.”

Synagogue principal Rabbi Yaa- cov Monsonego, father of one of the victims, is a friend of Mr Peters. “The shock will not subside for some time,” he said. “It’s a very tight-knit community here. Everybody is affected.

“At my synagogue many members have children who attend Ozar Hatorah school. You cannot imagine the damage it has done to people here. It’s just too terrible for words. It is shocking to see your friends going to Israel for the funerals.

“One friend said to me on Monday night: ‘I was late this morning. If I had been on time it could have been us’.”

 ?? PHOTO: FLASH 90 ?? Eight-year-old Miriam Monsonego, who was killed in the attack
PHOTO: FLASH 90 Eight-year-old Miriam Monsonego, who was killed in the attack

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