The Jewish Chronicle

Race to succeed Lord Sacks in 2013 hots up


THE UNITED Synagogue president, Stephen Pack, has said that applicatio­ns to be chief rabbi were still being accepted despite the March 5 deadline specified in an advertisem­ent for the job.

Mr Pack, who is chairman of the Chief Rabbinate Trust, which is responsibl­e for appointing Lord Sacks’s successor, said it had received some “outstandin­g” applicatio­ns, but added: “We are still expecting a number of applicatio­ns to come in.”

He said that the ultimate deadline was September 2013 when Lord Sacks intended to retire. “If we had to say we’d like him to stay on for six months, we’d do that. This is the most important decision affecting the community in a generation and we have to get it right.”

But he predicted: “We won’t have any dfficulty” in filling the post.

The first round of interviews is due to take place in May. Mr Pack would not disclose the number of applicants so far, while those involved in the recruitmen­t process have had to sign confidenti­ality pledges to protect the identity of candidates. “There are some people who would not apply if they felt it was going to be sprayed all over the press,” he said.

Israel’s former Diaspora Affairs Minister Rabbi Michael Melchior, who has been widely tipped as a potential candidate, revealed this week: “I have not applied, formally or informally”.

Butheadded:“asapolitic­ian, Ilearned that you never say never.”

Within the UK rabbinate, a strong body of support is emerging for Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis of Finchley Synagogue to become the next Chief. Now 55, the former Chief Rabbi of Ireland might once have been considered too old for the post, but that is no longer such a factor with the lifting of the retirement age. The other British rabbi thought to be in contention is Rabbi Harvey Belovski of Golders Green Synagogue. Oxford University and Gateshead Yeshivah-educated, he has a doctorate in Chasidic thought.

A number of modern Orthodox rabbis in America have also been the source of speculatio­n among the rabbinate. They include: Rabbi Jacob Schachter, senior scholar at Yeshiva University’s Centre for the Jewish Future; Rabbi Michael Broyde, a professor of law and religion at Emory University,

CHIEF Rabbi Lord Sacks has been urged to take a stand against government plans to introduce marriage for same-sex couples.

Dayan Yisroel Lichtenste­in, head of the Federation Beth Din, said: “It is his obligation as chief rabbi to speak out.”

While Catholic leaders have been at the forefront of opposition to the proposals, Lord Sacks’s office has stated on more than one occasion that he would not be commenting on the issue.

Dayan Lichtenste­in said that in America — where a number of states including New York, have Atlanta and dayan on the Beth Din of America; Rabbi Jonathan Rosenblatt of the Riverdale Jewish Centre, a large community in New York; and Rabbi Meir Soloveitch­ik, of another leading congregati­on, Kehillath Jeshurun in New York.

Also believed to be in the running is Rabbi Daniel Beller, formerly of Edgware, leader of an Orthodox congregati­on in Ra’anana, Israel, and involved in projects to bridge the religious-secular moved to introduce samesex marriage — “it has become a major issue among the rabbinate. They believe it is their obligation as rabbis to do whatever they can to prevent this happening.”

Gay and lesbian couples can currently legalise their union in civil partnershi­ps, and both the Liberal and Reform movements allow Jewish ceremonies for couples who have had a civil union.

Under government proposals – which have been put out for consultati­on – samesex couples would be able to go through a civil marriage. But there is divide. But another British ex-pat, Rabbi Shaul Robinson, who moved from Barnet Synagogue to the prestigiou­s Lincoln Square congregati­on in New York, has ruled himself out. “Our family is settled here and our new shul is opening before the Yomtovim,” he said.

Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein – thought to be a favourite of the London Beth Din – has also said he has not applied, citing “responsibi­lities and commitment­s” at home. no provision yet to allow religious marriage for them.

One senior United Synagogue rabbi, Yisroel Fine of Cockfoster­s and North Southgate Synagogue, said: “It is up to the chief rabbi what he wants to say or not say.”

But he added: “I think it’s a sad reflection on society when standards of morality are determined by democratic votes and pollsters, and there are no absolute values.

“We have an important role to play in giving voice to Jewish morality rooted in the Torah. When we can form an alliance with other faiths which have shared values, then we should articulate that voice.”

Rabbi Aaron Goldstein, co-chairman of the Liberal Conference of Rabbis, however, argued that the government plans did not go far enough.

“Just as my dad was able to ask God’s blessing on our marriage, I hope that I will be able to ask God to bless my daughters’ marriages, whether they marry a man or a woman.”

But he said that religious groups that did not want to perform same-sex ceremonies should not be compelled to do so.

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Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis Rabbi Harvey Belovski
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