The Jewish Chronicle

Prejudice returns


The idea that any court, anywhere in the world, might take it upon itself to criminalis­e male circumcisi­on is troubling enough. The fact that it was a German district court that did so this week is deeply disturbing. The Holocaust began there with the creation of laws and rules that restricted all aspects of Jewish life. Distressin­gly, bureaucrat­ised prejudice appears to be alive and well in the German courts. For the district judge, a single botched circumcisi­on led to the conclusion that all such procedures amount to an infringeme­nt of a child’s ‘physical integrity’. The brit milah is not just any aspect of Judaism. Circumcisi­on is at the very core of being a Jewish male; it is a sign of the covenant of Abraham. The ruling that the German constituti­on limits the religious rights of the parents, and that that limit was breached by a religious circumcisi­on, is, inescapabl­y, a first step towards making the very practice of Judaism illegal in Germany. Not only is circumcisi­on a minor and safe procedure when carried out properly, the scientific consensus is that it helps prevent the spread of HIV — which is why Israeli doctors have spent the past 18 months training colleagues in 14 African countries to perform the operation. In this context, should Germany’s constituti­onal court uphold the Cologne court’s decision, there will be only one conclusion: systemic prejudice.

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