The Jewish Chronicle



The JC could play a more constructi­ve role in its coverage of the affairs of the democratic­ally elected, well respected and important representa­tive body of UK Jewry, the Board of Deputies.

While I support critical thinking and reporting, last week’s headline regarding the latest initiative the APPG ( No members, no staff, no budget, no chair. Meet the All-Party Group on British Jews, August 9) was at best unfortunat­e, but in my opinion unacceptab­le, uninformed, one-dimensiona­l and anti-BoD. The APPG is an excellent idea, has momentum and needs support, not catchy negative headlines. Prof Yaacov H Schmidt Deputy, Western Marble Arch Synagogue Seymour Street, London, W1H

I was surprised and angered the JC took such a negative stance on the Board initiative to create a long overdue non-Israel, British Jewish community lobby with MPs.

My MP indicated his desire to be involved without hesitation. He has previously informed me that we need such a group as others are much better lobbyists.

There are now said to be upwards of thirty MPs who have indicated interest and when Parliament returns from the summer recess they will convene and appoint a chair. The Board does have budget for this kind of engagement and they can provide a secretaria­t.

The JC should applaud this long overdue initiative and encourage its readership to recognise the tremendous work carried out by the Board staff and the Deputies in ensuring that Jewish life is respected and our religious obligation­s such as brit milah and shechita are not threatened. Michael Samuels Deputy, South Manchester Synagogue mikes@greatoakca­

The APPG is long overdue and seems to be in the early stages. Few can argue that it will be anything other than a useful platform in the engagement of the Jewish community with those in Parliament and beyond and thus should be welcomed by all. No doubt in the fullness of time present detractors will climb on board and get on with the business of being part of this new organisati­on and put it through its paces.

I suggest that the creation of this APPG is given the benefit of the doubt, is supported by those who purport to lead us, and put the churlishne­ss down to the ‘silly season’. Flo Kaufmann flokaufman­

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