The Jewish Chronicle



A definition of “insanity” often attributed to Einstein says that insanity is “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.

Israel has ceded land to the Arabs for peace in Sinai, Gaza and south Lebanon. Each occasion has seen the subsequent use of the territory to launch attacks against Israel. Even areas ceded in the West Bank/Judea and Samaria have been used to the same end.

Now Western foreign policy dictates Israel do the same thing with its own ancient Biblical heartland, withdrawin­g to indefensib­le borders, in the face of an Islamic/Arab threat that increases every day.

It doesn’t take Einstein to see that the lunatics again appear to be running the asylum. D. Roberts

I was shocked and saddened by the announceme­nt that Israel has given the go-ahead for 800 more homes in east Jerusalem.

It is hard to understand the logic behind such insensitiv­e and destructiv­e actions. Is someone trying to insult the USA and its efforts at mediating a peaceful two state solution? Deliberatl­ey trying to antagonise moderate Palestinia­n opinion so that the radicals can sideline them? Make the task of defending Israel in the diaspora even harder?

It is a major disincenti­ve to support anything associated with the Israeli government and an unwelcome boost to Israel’s detractors.

It is not for us in the Diaspora to dictate policies to the democratic­ally elected government of Israel, but we can choose whether to be supporters. Dr Leonard Esakowitz Victoria Park Gardens, Glasgow, G11

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