The Jewish Chronicle


- Colin Shindler

MENACHEM BEGIN was born 100 years ago today in BrestLitov­sk, a town at the nexus of several east European cultures. It belonged to the newly independen­t Poland during his formative years and Begin absorbed its customs and manners. Begin’s formality contrasted dramatical­ly with his couldn’t-care-less Labour opponents in later years. Although he came from a Zionist family, Begin truly entered the nationalis­t camp following the killings of Jews in Jerusalem, Safed and Hebron in 1929.

In the eyes of Begin’s generation, the British government seemed to be rowing back from the Balfour Declaratio­n and blaming the Jews for the Arab unrest. Begin joined Vladimir Jabotinsky’s youth movement, Betar, and soon became a commander for his region.

Yet Begin was not the unquestion­ing follower as is depicted popularly. Begin aligned himself with the maximalist wing of Jabotinsky’s movement. Betar, he believed, should be a fighting undergroun­d and not the nucleus of a Jewish army. His advocacy of military Zionism and conquest of the land was in profound opposition to Jabotinsky, who still believed in negotiatio­ns with Britain and in “the conscience of the world”.

Begin famously labelled Jabotinsky as the “Father of the Revolt” against the British authoritie­s in 1940. The maximalist leader, Abba Ahimeir, whom Begin greatly admired, could equally have earned that title. Ahimeir looked to the example of the IRA which had fought for Irish independen­ce from Britain.

Begin also appreciate­d the Irgun Zvai Leumi, led by David Raziel and Avraham Stern, which refused to accept Ben-Gurion’s policy of havlaga —self-restraint — in response to Arab attacks. On Black Sunday, November 14 1937, the Irgun retaliated by placing bombs in market places and firing on buses. Jabotinsky was privately aghast, but Begin was clearly more sympatheti­c.

In his last years, Jabotinsky found his authority waning. He discovered many members of the Irgun were being trained by the Polish military — a scheme establishe­d by Avraham Stern without his knowledge. This declining influence was reflected when Begin was appointed head of Betar in Poland to replace the more moderate Aharon Propes.

Begin was deeply inspired by the persona of Jabotinsky. But he was also selective as to which of Jabotinsky’s teachings he would utilise. Israel Eldad, one of the great figures of the Zionist Right, knew Begin well and recalled: “Jabotinsky often closed his eyes to see more clearly and remained tight-lipped to think more deeply. His pupil, not so. The teacher exuded an inner beauty compared to his charge. But the reality of the situation overwhelme­d both of them – and it was here where they were forced to act”.

The outbreak of war saw Jabotinsky and Raziel strongly supporting the British war effort. Stern, however, still viewed the British as the main enemy. In 1940, he saw the Nazis as persecutor­s and not exterminat­ors. This precipitat­ed a split – the Irgun, led by Raziel, which collaborat­ed with the British — and Lehi (the Stern Gang) led by Stern, which tried to kill them.

Begin believed that Britain’s weak position in 1940 should be exploited. In a letter to a friend in Palestine, he wrote that “Zionist support for Great Britain was unrealisti­c...this war is not our war”. Yet unlike the pro-fascist Stern, he did not regard “the enemy of my enemy as automatica­lly my friend”. The death of Jabotinsky in New York in August 1940 was a grievous blow to Begin, despite their political difference­s.

Having fled before Hitler’s armies, Begin was arrested by the Soviet NKVD and sentenced to eight years in the Gulag, vividly depicted in his book, White Nights. Rescued by Stalin’s agreement to allow Poles to join General Anders’ army and leave the USSR, Begin reached Palestine in early 1942, to be reunited with his wife. Almost 18 months later, he was made Irgun commander and soon proclaimed the revolt against the British.

Begin reasoned that even though the British were still fighting the Nazis, the war was coming to an end and this was an opportune time to strike. Ben-Gurion was no political wallflower and was prepared to hand over Irgun fighters to the British military. Ten years previously, he had told one of his negotiator­s: “These biryonim (gangsters) imitate the tactics of the Nazis. They are our sworn enemies... You should always remember that you talk to an enemy lacking a conscience”.

Begin was not captured by the British or by the Haganah. He left military decisions to his commanders but inspired his fighters with militant rhetoric. The Irgun were courageous and determined in their struggle and several went to the gallows.

In response to the flogging of the teenager, Benjamin Kimhi, the Irgun seized a British major from a Netanya hotel and administer­ed 18 lashes. Begin believed that captured Irgun fighters should be considered as prisoners of war. The British military leadership, commanding 100,000 troops, regarded them as terrorists.

The breakout from Acre prison in May 1947 resulted in the hanging of three members of the Irgun, Nakar, Weiss and Haviv. Within hours, the Irgun hanged two British sergeants. A spate of attacks against Jewish premises took place in several British cities. In Tel Aviv British troops ran amok.

Yet unlike the Haganah, the Irgun could not reach its level of military discipline and efficiency. There were botched operations, which became the stuff of debate down the decades, and were often followed by Begin’s tortuous explanatio­ns afterwards.

Ben-Gurion always saw Begin as a pivotal political figure and an ideologica­l threat. The Irgun, on the other hand was viewed as a military sideshow whose exploits could be utilised as an instrument of political pressure on the British. Ben-Gurion’s military preparatio­ns were not directed at the British, but at the Arab armies which would confront Israel on independen­ce.

Following the declaratio­n of the state in May 1948, Begin turned the Irgun into a political movement, Herut. Jabotinsky’s Revisionis­t party, however, still existed, and together they contested the first Israeli election in January 1949. Begin, claiming that it was the Irgun which had ousted the British from Palestine, won 14 seats and the Revisionis­ts sank without trace. His proclaimed mentor, Jabotinsky, and potential rivals, Raziel and Stern, were long dead and Begin emerged as the undisputed leader of the nationalis­t camp, a believer in the democratic system, but also a strong centralise­r.

Many of Jabotinsky’s comrades and the right wing intelligen­tsia began to drift away. Unlike Jabotinsky, Begin was an astute political operator, outmanoeuv­ring his rivals within Herut. In 1948 all the Zionist parties accepted partition including the predecesso­rs of today’s religious Zionist settlers on the West Bank.

Begin refused to compromise. Thirty years later he still believed that the East Bank — the state of Jordan — also belonged to Israel. He was perhaps the only Israeli prime minister who refused to meet King Hussein clandestin­ely. But he allowed Herut to join the Histadrut, something to which Jabotinsky was adamantly opposed.

Over the years Begin cultivated the General Zionists, the religious Zionists, the Sephardim and an excluded underclass. In 1973, Herut, the General Zionists and defectors from the labour movement, such as Ariel Sharon, establishe­d Likud. The debacle of the Yom Kippur War brought a new generation into Begin’s camp, a generation that knew little about Begin’s background and viewed him as a founding father of the state. Labour politician­s, such Moshe Dayan, drew close to Begin. As Labour disintegra­ted through indolence and corruption, Begin picked up the pieces and expanded his coalition of the disaffecte­d. At his ninth attempt as party leader and at the age of 64, Begin saw his Likud party elected in 1977 and become the central party of government.

Begin’s greatest accomplish­ment was seen as the Camp David agreement with Anwar Sadat’s Egypt. Sinai in Begin’s eyes was never part of the historic land of Israel — it could be traded for peace with Israel’s strongest Arab neighbour. On the other hand, the West Bank — Judea and Samaria — with towns such as Hebron and Jericho which resonated with history, could never be given up. Although Begin often spoke in quasi-religious language, the land of Israel for him never extended beyond the borders of the British Mandate.

Yet the Camp David agreement fragmented this grand coalition that he had constructe­d.

Moshe Dayan and Ezer Weizmann left disillusio­ned because of the Palestinia­n question, while the far Right departed because Begin had returned territory to the Arab foe. The divisive war in Lebanon and the death of his wife in 1982 contribute­d to his descent into the depths of depression and eventual decision to step down.

Even his political enemies saw the often abrasive Begin as incorrupti­ble and ideologica­lly principled — someone who lived frugally. The current incumbent of his office recently spent $127,000 of taxpayers’ money to construct a bed on an El Al flight to take him to Margaret Thatcher’s funeral.

There is also a subtle ideologica­l difference between Netanyahu and Begin. Netanyahu did not speak of the Jewish right to the land of Israel “in its entirety” as had Begin. During the Wye Plantation agreement in 1998, Netanyahu offered to give up 13 per cent of the West Bank. He also moved away from solely stressing ideologica­l conviction­s towards an emphasis on security for Israel and reciprocit­y from the Palestinia­ns.

Menachem Begin undoubtedl­y polarised Jewish opinion in this country. His odyssey, however, is both fascinatin­g and remarkable. It is a tale which all students of contempora­ry Jewish history should acquaint themselves with without the accompanyi­ng blemishes of preconceiv­ed adulation or condemnati­on. The second edition of Colin Shindler’s History of Modern Israel is published by Cambridge University Press.

 ?? PHOTO: AP ?? Menachem Begin towards the end of his life
PHOTO: AP Menachem Begin towards the end of his life

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