The Jewish Chronicle




1 Continenta­l officer could be named Reg!(8) 5 A jewish teacher dishearten­ed with mediocre grade in semitic language (6)

10 The work of the shochet which is contravers­ial nowadays (6,9)

11 During game, new candle showed up as idol at the foot of Mount Sinai (6,4) 13 Mount where Moses is said to have died (4) 15 Fits around two thousand for high-level meetings (7)

17 Old Greek’s ready in play touring Switzerlan­d (7)

18 One of God’s names-‘The Holy One’ (Hebrew)(7) 19 Being a performer in the top turn, Iboob(7) 21 Arkwright’s lack of surprise (4) 22 Austrian concentrat­ion camp 12 miles east of Linz (10)

25 Shavuot commemorat­es the giving of these (3,12) 27 Festival of Tabernacle­s on 15th of Tishri(6) 28 Baal-********-whence appeared the man in 2 Kings4:42(8)


1 Estate housing? (7) 2 Score and make a profit(3) 3 A man with predatory birds - no friends of the Israelites (10) 4 ‘Give me excess of it,’ said Orsino (5) 6 Part of a frigate in Baltic port (4) 7 What serve store mind of bond age at The Seder(6,5)

8 Firm with broad distributi­on in Maimonides home city(7)

9 Conscripte­d for military service or given an aliyah in another service (6,2)

12 One of the ‘36 Righteous Men who save the World ’in Jewish folklore(Hebrew) (11) 14 The head land at the northern tip of Haifa(4,6) 16 Arab dish where lamb, chicken, etc is placed on a spit and shavings are cut off (8) 18 Tribes men mentioned in Genesis 15:19(7) 20 North African country in which a unit is replaced (7) 23 Fractional amount often thriftily secreted(5) 24 The bird one had to cook twice?(4) 26 Acronym for for the theologica­l subject of‘ Numbers in Scipture’(3)

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