The Jewish Chronicle

Can this Jew-hater be a saint?

- Geoffrey Alderman

INEVER CEASE to be amazed at the lengths to which some will go to excuse or belittle clear expression­s of antisemiti­sm articulate­d by public figures, present or past. The issue of G K Chesterton, to which Oliver Kamm brought our attention in the JC last month, is a case in point. Chesterton (1874-1936) was a highly successful novelist, journalist and critic who converted to Catholicis­m. Rome likes to reward converts, perhaps in the hope of luring others to follow them. Now, it seems that moves are afoot (not for the first time) to propel Chesterton towards sainthood.

But there’s a problem: Chesterton had a much-publicised aversion to Jews and to Judaism.

In common with other literati of his generation, Chesterton harboured a hopelessly romantic view of an England that once was — they supposed — little else but a green and pleasant land, one which had been corrupted by industrial­isation. The factory had driven a simple peasantry into a grim urban existence, as slaves of a system controlled by capitalist­s. Professor Colin Holmes, the leading contempora­ry historian of British antisemiti­sm, explains (in Antisemiti­sm in British Society) that, in Chesterton’s view, “19th-century capitalism was essentiall­y usury, hence anti-Christian and the prominence of Jews in high finance merely underlined that capitalism was alien to Christian culture.”

Thus we find that in his Short History of England (1917), Chesterton wrote approvingl­y of Edward I’s expulsion of the Jews from England in 1290. These Jews, Chesterton insisted, were the “capitalist­s of their age,” and Edward’s eviction of them was the commendabl­e act of a “tender father of his people.” Moving forward to more modern times, Chesterton had the effrontery to attack the “acrid and irrational unanimity of the English Press” in siding with Captain Alfred Dreyfus, and continued to evince hostility towards Dreyfus even after the French state had admitted his innocence of the charge of treason levelled against him. As Kamm reminded us, Chesterton publicly (1911) denounced the type of Jew who is “a traitor in France and a tyrant in England.”

Chesterton was a leading member of the National League for Clean Government, which in 1913 sponsored meetings attacking Jewish influence on public morals. In 1918, he wrote a discredita­ble letter to Lord Reading (Rufus Isaacs, then the Lord Chief Justice of England), expressing the hope that Isaacs would play no part in peace negotiatio­ns with Germany. “Is there any man”, Chesterton asked, “who doubts that you will be sympatheti­c with the Jewish Internatio­nal?”

And in The New Jerusalem (1921) Chester- ton declared his belief that, ultimately, Jews could never be considered loyal to the countries in which they dwelt. By all means, he argued, “let a Jew occupy any political or social position which he can gain in open competitio­n.” But every Jew (remember this was 1921, not 1221) should wear a distinctiv­e dress: “The point is that we should know where we are; and he should know where he is, which is in a foreign land.”

It is no defence of Chesterton to point out that he was, after a fashion, sympatheti­c to Zionism. Many British antisemite­s at that time were, since they viewed the establishm­ent of a Jewish homeland as the least undesirabl­e way of ridding Europe of its “Jewish Problem.”

Nor is it a defence of him to point out (as one JC correspond­ent has done) that he evinced an antipathy to Jews while abhorring Nazism and the Nazi state.

In his newspaper, G K’s Weekly, Chesterton did indeed (1933) condemn Hitler’s treatment of Jews, but he did so in the context of a wider discourse, to which he contribute­d, in which it was suggested that the Jews of Germany displayed that very cosmopolit­anism that made them suspect as true and trustworth­y patriots.

Over the years there have been several attempts to mark out Chesterton for sainthood. Shortly before he was elected Pope earlier this year, the then Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, is reported to have approved the wording of a private prayer calling for Chesterton’s canonisati­on.

If this were to happen it would, I’m afraid, amount to papal endorsemen­t of Chesterton’s deep-seated anti-Jewish racism.

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