The Jewish Chronicle

New Agers fall for antisemiti­sm

- Karen Harradine Karen Harradine is a freelance journalist based in Suffolk

TThe ‘evils of Zionists’ sit next to ideas on fracking

WO YEARS ago, I, a practising Jewish spirituali­st, was sent a friend request on Facebook by a tarot card reader and healer. She seemed pleasant enough and in the world of New Age spirituali­sm it is always good to expand connection­s.

A few days later I opened my Facebook page, and there was a message posted by my new “friend”. Accompanie­d by a grainy photo of an Israeli soldier pointing an Uzi and dramatical­ly written in capitals was the claim that Israeli soldiers wake up Palestinia­n women before dawn and rape them.

I was horrified. I realised then that I was witnessing the growing phenomenon of the unholy, dark alliance between ancient, omnipresen­t antisemiti­sm and New Age spirituali­sm.

I have spent almost 30 years in the business. It is only recently that this new form of hostility, which I call New Age antisemiti­sm, has come about. It is a heartbreak­ing and troubling experience for me to watch as a movement for peace and enlightenm­ent becomes sullied by an ancient form of hatred.

Almost a quarter of a million people in the UK identify with New Age spirituali­sm, an amalgamati­on of Buddhism, paganism, complement­ary therapies and mysticism. An alternativ­e approach to Judeo-Christian credos, spirituali­sm can be a wonderful way of life and a search for peace and enlightenm­ent. I have found combining Judaism with spirituali­sm has been a rewarding experience: until now.

Type in “psychic” on Google. There are thousands of New Age services. New Agers like to sign petitions, believe in righteous causes, long for world peace and communicat­e prodigious­ly on the Internet. There are some New Agers who are drawn to conspiracy theories, which play on their fears and propose explanatio­ns for difficulti­es in their lives. They click on websites or Facebook pages that offer enlightenm­ent but on deeper examinatio­n prove to be hotbeds of antisemiti­sm and conspiracy theories.

Either these New Agers are misguided or they are purposely seeking out places where they can unleash their hatred of Jews. For the latter promoting antisemiti­c tropes becomes a badge of honour for them. They believe the world is blind to the dastardly deeds of the Jews. They want enlightenm­ent and peace but happily support a new “Final Solution” of Jews and destructio­n of Israel.

On their Facebook profiles “likes” for Miles of Smiles for Gaza and the Stop the War Coalition are connected with “ascension” and “truth-seekers”. References to Gaddafi as a ‘light worker” and links to the Iranian government’s Press TV abound. Current antisemiti­c conspiracy theories, such as “Mossad caused 9/11”, are enthusiast­ically circulated. Protocols of the Elders of Zion is quoted.

Some New Agers weave antisemiti­c theories into their spirituali­st beliefs. They believe that Jews are actually lizard-like aliens who have enslaved humanity. Zionists, cabal, Rothschild­s, Illuminati and New World Order and other words with negative, antisemiti­c connotatio­ns are used to accuse Jews of controllin­g a suffering humanity.

There are Facebook groups with names like “Lightworke­rs of the World Unite” and “Illuminati Killers” which have thousands of members discussing the “evil doings” of Zionists alongside lovely chats about health foods and fracking. Blistering statements of Jew-hatred are bantered about on these sites, such as this one on David Icke’s page: “It’s time to fight back these bugs and anunnaki-reptilian jewish zionists....... THEY ARE A PEST, THEY ARE NOT HUMANS” ( sic).

These New Agers are anti-West, anti-capitalist, anti-American and anti-Israel. Some believe America is evil and controlled by a Jewish conspiracy. When claims are made in the public arena that Israel is responsibl­e for the chemical weapons in Syria, this quickly spreads around the social media as a revealed “truth”.

It chimes with their beliefs that Israel and the Jews — the “New World Order” — perpetrate all wars.

My spiritual sanctuary of peace and love is being soiled by the rise of New Age antisemiti­sm, creeping under the radar.

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