The Jewish Chronicle

They are deadlier than Hamas, says Mossad head


MOSSAD CHIEF Tamir Pardo caused a stir in Israel last week when he said that the Islamic State (formerly known as Isis) were more of a threat to Israel than Hamas.

Mr Pardo told a forum of leading businesspe­ople last Thursday: “This is a very disturbing threat for Israel, and [the Islamic State] are here to stay… It’s an organisati­on that advocates murder for the sake of murder… Hamas is just a light threat compared to them.”

Mr Pardo landed himself in hot water with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for saying that the biggest existentia­l challenge facing Israel was the conflict with the Palestinia­ns and not Iran’s nuclear programme.

The Mossad chief’s remarks were meant to remain private but were reported by Haaretz on Sunday.

According to participan­ts, when asked about Iran’s nuclear plans, Mr Pardo said: “Iran may manufactur­e nuclear weapons in the future or try to acquire a nuclear bomb but I wouldn’t recommend you run to buy a foreign passport.”

These remarks did not sit well with Prime Minister’s office: Mr Netanyahu has been saying for years that the Iranian nuclear programme is the most serious threat facing Israel.

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