The Jewish Chronicle

First it was a Pesach marathon. Now it’s Rosh Hashanah


CONSPIRACY THEORISTS might be tempted to think that the London Marathon organisers have it in for Jews.

Earlier this year the date of the 2016 race was confirmed as the second day of Pesach, denying observant runners the chance to take part — and Jewish charities the money they would raise.

Now, organisers have scheduled a pre-race briefing for charities on September 15, which just happens to be the second day of Rosh Hashanah.

Jewish groups who expressed their disappoint­ment at the original decision are now upset at what some say is further insensitiv­ity.

Emunah director Deborah Nathan said: “It is hard not to feel that scheduling this meeting on Rosh Hashanah is unfortunat­e at best and insensitiv­e at worst.” Daniel Carmel-Brown, director of fundraisin­g for Jewish Care — who will, despite the clash with Pesach, be entering runners in 2016 — said: “It is unfortunat­e this meeting will be on Yomtov and we will not be represente­d. However we are sure the organisers will ensure we receive relevant informatio­n in due course.”

Damian Schogger, a trustee of the Talia Trust for Children, said the decision to hold a meeting on Rosh Hashanah was “truly staggering”.

Mr Schogger had been planning to run the 2016 London Marathon before the date was revealed. He said: “Having made a decision to have the 2016 marathon on Pesach, they’ve fuelled the fire by inviting ballot holders to meet on second day Rosh Hashanah.

“It shows an overall lack of judgement and a lack of considerat­ion.”

The marathon’s Jewish chief executive Nick Bitel said: “Yomtov will not go out until later in the evening and regretfull­y Jewish charities may therefore feel that they are unable to attend. September is a very busy month in the Jewish calendar and I am afraid it is not always possible to avoid a clash. Informatio­n is available in paper form for any charities — Jewish or otherwise — that are unable to attend.”

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