The Jewish Chronicle

Pleasure of an amusing study in heartfelt pain


Lyttelton, National Theatre

YOU CAN see why writer and director Patrick Marber, an expert in what he calls the comedy of pain, was drawn to Turgenev’s 1855 play, A Month in the Country. The setting is a Russian country estate where almost everyone is in love with someone. The world-weary Rakitin, played by John Simm, has been in love with the house’s married mistress Natalya for 20 years, while Natalya has fallen for her son’s dashing new tutor Belyaev, as has her 17-year-old ward, Vera. And although it turns out that Natalya’s remote husband actually loves his wife, he is far too emotionall­y stunted by the presence of his domineerin­g mother, who doesn’t love anyone, to express it. Still with me?

Meanwhile Mark Gatiss’s local country doctor, and self-confessed incompeten­t, loves Natalya’s spinster companion Lizaveta, all of which leaves the ageing neighbour Bolshintso­v who wants to marry the beautiful Vera, who responds to the notion by almost throwing up. She, if you remember, only has eyes for Belyaev.

Quite how all this intrigue would sustain Turgenev’s original vision of a four-hour drama — which he himself said was unstageabl­e — is hard to imagine. But in the hands of Marber — not only a playwright but an expert adapter of dog-eared classics — the original has been paired down to a pacy two-and-a-quarter hours while at the same time throwing off many of the convention­s that go with Russian dramas set in country estates.

This one still uses a cast of more than 20 but Mark Thompson’s modern design suggests the surroundin­g forest of silver birches with suspended glass sheets on which the trees’ trunks are etched. The cast sit around the huge stage’s perimeter waiting for their cue, at which point they join the action and then recede like unwanted extras. Languid, this production is not.

But what interests Marber even more than the discipline of reinventin­g an old work for a new audience is the rawness of the condition of being in love.

The primary objective here is to find the comedy in the piece and, to that

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