The Jewish Chronicle

A bouquet of beauty products


GETTING YOUR skin into tiptop condition should be an i m p o r t a n t point on your b r i d a l t o - d o list. Here are 1 0 p r o d u c t s that will help. L’Occitane’s Rebalancin­g Face Mask (£20 for 75ml) is a spa treatment you can use at home to eliminate skin impurities and tighten pores. There is also an olive oil-based soap (£16).

Cellular Recovery Skin Bliss Capsules by Elemis (£65 for 60 capsules) contain moringa oil for clearer skin. There are two sorts of capsule: rose, for morning and lavender, for night. Break open a capsule and massage the fragrant contents into your face for an instant lift.

On the day itself, use Pro-Radiance Illuminati­ng Flash Balm (£35 for 50ml), also by Elemis. A moisturise­r with a lovely, citrusy smell of neroli, bitter orange, bergamot and lemon, it absorbs quickly, to smooth and soften.

Pink Perfect Crème by Erborian (£34 for 45ml from Selfridges) is a rich balm that provides the perfect base under make-up while giving your skin a subtle, pearly radiance.

You will come under scrutiny throughout the day so opt for a longlastin­g foundation, such as Clinique’s Beyond Perfecting Foundation and Concealer (£25). Giving full coverage, it is also humidity- and sweat-proof.

Create dramatic eyes with Chanel’s limited edition five-colour Entrelacs eyeshadow palette (£46). Their satin, matte finish will not crease or fade and will take you easily from day to night.

Add Clinique’s Pretty Easy Liquid Eyelining Pen (£19). Simple to use, it does not drag on the delicate eye area.

Emotions may be running high during the chupah but your mascara mustn’t be running anywhere. Opt for Truly Waterproof Mascara by Clarins (£21.50).

Make your lips extra-kissable with Instant Light Lip Balm Perfection by Clarins (£18). It comes in six colours; try My Pink. The balm adapts to the pH levels in your lips to give you a bespoke shade. The easy-to-apply balms contain mango and shea to keep lips soft.

Keep Guerlain’s Meteorites LightRevea­ling Powder Compact (£40) on hand for a quick touch-up before the evening. The original multicolou­red powder pearls have been reinvented as a compact powder. The mix of colours add warmth to skin, hide redness and set your make-up, so you will still look fantastic when the last guest departs. 1. Erborian Pink Perfect Crème, £34 2. Chanel Les Beiges Healthy Glow powder, £44 3. Elemis Cellular Recovery Skin Bliss Capsules, £65 4. L’Occitane Rebalancin­g Black Soap, £16 5. Clinique Beyond Perfectng Foundation, £25 6. Clarins Truly Waterproof Mascara, £21.50

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