The Jewish Chronicle

Experts set for twostate solution debate


A HOST of top commentato­rs will be marking 20 years since the signing of the Oslo Accords by debating the prospects for a two-state solution to the Middle East conflict.

Columnist Melanie Phillips, Bicom chief executive James Sorene, lecturer David Hirsh, peace activist Ahmed Meligy, and bloggers David Collier and Brian John Thomas will discuss “The two-state solution: dead or alive?”

The event, in north London on May 5, is organised by grassroots group Campaign4T­ruth.

Founder member Sharon Klaff said: “Twenty years after the Oslo Accords, with people still talking about the twostate solution and why it hasn’t worked, we thought it was an appropriat­e time to have a debate bringing in all sides — from those who believe that the twostate solution is the answer to the Middle East to those who believe there is no solution.”

She added: “There is a different situation on the ground now with Daesh, and Israel being surrounded by enemies. With Syria collapsing, with Turkey being in trouble and the Kurds facing the same sort of issues the Israelis face, I think the whole Middle-East scenario is very different to what it was 20 years ago.

“There is a lot of discussion going on around the two-state solution and I’m hoping that our debate is going to make some contributi­on to finding a way forward.”

Audience participat­ion will be welcomed in the debate. Tickets are available at https://twostatede­

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