The Jewish Chronicle

Fig and cranberry Florentine­s


THESE make perfect mishloach manot (foodie gifts for Purim). A good Florentine is crisp and crunchy and thin. The biscuit mixture should be thinly spread before baking and firm enough so it doesn’t melt, spread and merge when heated. Time accurately to prevent burning and cool completely before adding chocolate — and you will have perfect Florentine­s. Makes: 36 biscuits Preparatio­n: 15 minutes Cooking: 20 minutes (which includes melting chocolate)


100g butter 160g demerara sugar 1 ½ tbsp golden syrup 60g candied peel, chopped 45g dried cranberrie­s or sour cherries, roughly chopped 45g soft dried figs — roughly chopped 100g pistachio nuts — roughly chopped 100g blanched almonds, cut into slivers 150g plain flour Pinch of salt 1 tbsp double cream 300g dark chocolate, broken into pieces


Heat the oven to 180°C and line two baking trays with lightly greased parchment paper.

Melt the butter, sugar and golden syrup together in a pan over a medium heat until combined.

Put the fruit and nuts in a bowl, sift over the flour and toss together until the flour is evenly distribute­d.

Take the pan off the heat and stir in the salt and double cream, then stir into the fruit and nuts mixture.

Drop rounded teaspoons of the mixture on to the baking trays and flatten out as much as possible without leaving holes, making sure they are well spaced out on the trays.

Bake for about 10-12 minutes until golden brown all over, then leave to cool on the tray.

When cool, melt the chocolate in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering water, making sure it Pack a few Florentine­s as Purim food gifts doesn’t touch the water. Stir occasional­ly until liquid.

Carefully coat the flat side of each Florentine with melted chocolate. This can be done by dipping or using a pastry brush to “paint” it on. Cool and add a second coat of chocolate decorating with a forked wavy line for authentici­ty.

Leave to cool and set completely before eating or storing.


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