The Jewish Chronicle

Savoury hamantashe­n


CHOOSE your preferred savoury filling. The quantity of each flavour is sufficient to fill the full amount of dough. Makes 20-25 Preparatio­n: 25 minutes Cooking: 10 minutes


360g plain flour 150g double cream 1 egg yolk 1 ½ tsp salt ¾ tbsp sugar 250g butter, cut into cubes

Corn filling

100g feta cheese 100g tinned sweet corn drained 100 g yellow cheese, grated Pinch of pepper 1 egg for glazing the dough

Camembert cheese and berries filling

100g Camembert cheese, cut into small cubes 50g dried cranberrie­s 100g cheddar cheese, grated 1 egg for glazing the dough


Preheat the oven to 180°C. In the mixing bowl of a stand mixer with a dough hook mix all the dough ingredient­s together until you get a smooth dough.

Roll out the dough on a floured surface to approximat­ely 1/4 cm thick and then cut the dough into circles of 8-10 cm with a cookie cutter — or you can use the rim of a glass.

Brush each circle with beaten egg.

In a bowl, mix all the ingredient­s of your chosen filling and place a teaspoon of filling into the centre of each circle of dough.

Fold up the sides of the dough to make a triangle, pinching the points gently to seal but leaving the centre of the filling exposed.

Brush the sides of the folded dough with egg.

Put the hamantashe­n on a baking tray lined with baking parchment and bake until lightly golden — about 10 minutes.

Let the hamantashe­n cool before serving.

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