The Jewish Chronicle

Labour’s shame

The party’s problem with antisemiti­sm is now obvious to all. If Labour is ever to regain our community’s trust, it must act

- DAVID HIRSH David Hirsh is Lecturer in Sociology, Goldsmiths, University of London

LAST SUMMER, as Jeremy Corbyn was gliding serenely towards victory in the Labour leadership election, this newspaper asked him a series of questions about his associatio­ns with various antisemite­s.

We said that we believed we spoke for the vast majority of British Jews in expressing deep foreboding at the prospect of his election as leader, a view that was confirmed the following week by a poll of the community which showed that over 80 per cent were concerned by his contacts, and by such comments as his reference to terrorist groups Hamas and Hizbollah as “our friends”.

Mr Corbyn has now been leader for six months, and the only conclusion that can be drawn is that our fears were justified. Labour now seems to be a party that attracts antisemite­s like flies to a cesspit.

Barely a week goes by without the identifica­tion of a racist party member or allegation­s of racist behaviour by those involved in the party. And the target of that racism seems always to be Jews.

Last week it was Gerry Downing. This week Vicki Kirby. Before that, it was members of Oxford University Labour Club.

It is true that both Downing and Kirby have had their membership­s suspended, and an inquiry set up to probe OULC. But when these were first identified, party officers appeared to have almost no interest — as if the very mention of antisemiti­sm was worthy of little more than a yawn.

It was only when the media tumult — and the uproar from some Labour MPs who have no wish to represent a party that tolerates Jew-haters — became too great to ignore that the party acted.

Beyond that, one has to ask how these people were ever allowed to be party members. They did not hide their views.

Mr Corbyn appears to be genuine in his rejection of antisemiti­sm. And yet for all the fine words that he speaks, the plain fact is that he leads a party that antisemite­s clearly feel is their natural home. If that does not worry him then — to put it mildly — questions need to be asked.

The Shadow Chancellor, John McDonnell, reportedly wishes to abolish Labour’s Compliance Unit, the body responsibl­e for policing its membership. Permitting the membership­s of Downing and Kirby may not represent its finest moment, but should Mr McDonnell’s plan take effect, Labour will be still more of a magnet to racists, with even less scrutiny than today. One has to wonder if that is the point. Most Labour members are thoroughly decent people who are horrified by all forms of racism. And there are many Labour MPs who lead the fight against antisemiti­sm wherever it resides. But there is now a cancer in their party and it is getting worse by the day. If Labour is not to lose the last residue of trust from our community, it must recognise and deal

with that cancer.

LAST SUMMER, Jeremy Corbyn swept to power in the Labour Party — in spite of his political support for the anti-peace and antisemiti­c Hamas and Hezbollah. And it did him no damage when it emerged that he had leapt to the defence of Raed Salah, the blood libeller, and Steven Sizer, the 9/11 conspiraci­st. When the Corbyn campaign accused those who raised the issue of antisemiti­sm of doing so to silence criticism of Israel and to hinder opposition to austerity, Corbyn’s reputation remained intact.

When people realised that he had worked for the Iranian state’s antisemiti­c TV propaganda channel, nobody seemed to mind.

Labour now has a leader who supports the campaign for a boycott of Israel, who prefers anti-Israel politics to the politics of peace and who has shown himself to be quite unable to recognise antisemiti­sm.

His ally Ken Livingston­e recently said that in his 45 years on the left of the Labour Party he had never — not once — seen any antisemiti­sm.

In 2014, Vicki Kirby, a Labour Parliament­ary candidate, was warned by the party for posting antisemiti­c tweets. ‘We invented Israel when saving them from Hitler, who now seems to be their teacher,’ she wrote. She also asked why ISIS was not attacking the ‘real oppressor’, ‘evil’ Israel. It emerged this week that she had been reinstated as a party member and that she was active in the Corbyn support network Momentum; she was then suspended. A picture of Kirby and Jeremy Corbyn, smiling happily together, has been circulatin­g online.

Last week Gerry Downing was expelled from the Labour Party, but only after David Cameron raised his case at Prime Minister’s Questions, after having been allowed to re-join following a previous expulsion. Downing believes that Zionism is at the heart of global capitalism and he advocates re-opening ‘the Jewish Question’. He also said explicitly what Kirby implied — that terrorism is the violence of the oppressed and should never be condemned; it is fundamenta­lly defensive against the real aggression, which is the violence of the global system, of which Jews and Zionism are a key element.

Oxford University Labour Club has been torn apart by Israel-haters who succeeded in drumming out their cochair Alex Chalmers. Chalmers wrote on his resignatio­n that a large proportion of club members had ‘some kind of problem with Jews’. There was a culture in which the politics of peace between Israel and the Palestinia­ns was mocked as ‘Zio’. A politics of war against Israel was considered more appropriat­e and the ‘Zios’ were routinely baited with the song ‘Rockets over Tel Aviv’. Jewish students were treated as defenders of racism and apartheid and attempts were made to deny ‘Zio’ members the right to vote in club business. Alex Chalmers wrote that the antisemiti­c incidents he witnessed were less troubling than the culture which allowed such behaviour to become normalised.

Back in 2011, Labour MP Sir Gerald Kaufman turned to a neighbour on the Commons benches as pro-Israel MP Louise Ellman rose to speak and muttered: ‘Here we are, the Jews again’. He has a record of talking about the influence of ‘Jewish millionair­es’ in UK politics and how the Israeli government exploits Holocaust guilt as justificat­ion for their murder of Palestinia­ns.

We have just come through ‘Israel Apartheid Week’ on campus. Jewish students are given the choice of keeping silent or standing in the dock to answer charges of racism, imperialis­m, child-murder and oppression.

University College London Students Union this month voted to support Boycott Divestment and Sanctions against Israel but against no other state. In January, an event put on by pro-peace group Yachad at King’s College, London, was prevented from going ahead when protesters stormed the room.

A significan­t internatio­nal academic conference was held last October at Exeter University which normalized the view that Israel is a ‘settler-colonial state’ and so is uniquely illegitima­te.

The boycott movement has succeeded in opening up debates across North America about whether Israelis should be excluded from the global sporting, cultural, academic and economic community. Legitimate academic networks such as the American Studies Associatio­n and the American Anthropolo­gical Associatio­n have put their weight behind boycott.

After the murderous attack on the Jewish school in Toulouse, leading academic Tariq Ramadan denied that the killing of Jewish children was antisemiti­c, insisting that it was really to do with Israel. The attacks on Jews and Jewish targets in Paris, Copenhagen and Brussels did little to raise questions about contempora­ry antisemiti­sm.

The Palestinia­n campaign to kill Israeli civilians in the streets has hardly impacted either the news or the political agenda in the Britain.

Owen Jones, Jeremy Corbyn’s most articulate supporter, has this week sounded the alarm about antisemiti­sm in the Labour Party. He says that the old sickness infects progressiv­es as well as the right and he calls for the left to act in solidarity with Britain’s Jews. He says that anyone who responds to the issue of antisemiti­sm by crying ‘Israel’ is part of the problem. But Jones has not yet understood how so many of his com-

rades fail to see it. He has not yet seen how Kirby, Downing and Kaufman’s worldviews are related to those of Corbyn and Livingston­e.

We remember the shoddiness, onesidedne­ss and the ferocity of Jones’ own condemnati­on of Israel at the time of the Gaza conflict; we remember his failure to speak out against the campaign to boycott Israel. The crazy, obvious antisemite­s cannot simply be singled out and expelled from the party like bad apples in a good barrel.

Jones needs to take to heart that there is a relationsh­ip between hostility to Israel and antisemiti­sm. Hostility to Israel is partly caused by antisemiti­sm and is also itself a cause of further antisemiti­sm.

In 2012 the key institutio­ns of the Jewish community said that the University and College Union had a problem with institutio­nal antisemiti­sm. Members who opposed the boycott, and the antisemiti­sm which came in its wake, were routinely denounced as supporters of Israeli racism; a string of respected academics resigned from the union in disgust at the treatment they had received; the union stood stonily aloof as Jewish members were denounced as Nazis, as the Torah was portrayed as the source of Israeli racism and as opposition to the boycott was said to be allied to the forces of global capitalism. By 2012, there was hardly anybody left who was willing or able to oppose the boycott campaign at the union’s congress; they had been driven out or silenced.

The Employment Tribunal took the side of the union leadership, saying that raising the issue of antisemiti­sm was an illegitima­te and dishonest strategy to silence criticism of Israel, and it seemed ready to punish the Jewish litigant by making him pay the costs.

Fears are now mounting that what Jews experience­d in the UCU and in the Tribunal was neither an isolated incident nor an exaggerati­on, but a prototype of what was to come in the wider labour and progressiv­e movement.

There is no catastroph­e. But there is a relentless and incrementa­l deteriorat­ion in the ways in which Jews are imagined, described and suspected by many of the people in Britain today who think of themselves as good and clever.

Jewish life in the UK is still rich and free. In spite of legitimate fear of terrorist attack and in spite of the fact that Jewish communal buildings are marked by the fluorescen­t vests of the Community Security Trust, Jews are not subjected to significan­t violence on the streets. Antisemiti­sm in Britain today is largely an elite phenomenon. It does not figure hugely in the popular press and in mass culture. It is, so far, a phenomenon about ways of thinking rather than physical violence.

Contempora­ry antisemiti­sm is carried by people who believe themselves to be opponents of antisemiti­sm; it is neither transparen­t nor obvious. The antisemite­s take the high ground, they feel virtuous and courageous. It is an antisemiti­sm which makes Jews feel fearful and lonely, which makes us doubt ourselves and our own judgment. We accuse ourselves of inwardness and of paranoia and our instincts for self-preservati­on are disrupted and confused. But antisemiti­sm is not a subjective feeling of hatred towards Jews, it is an objective social phenomenon and it can be defined and recognised by those who understand how it works and how it manifests itself.

One key fact about contempora­ry antisemiti­sm is that it must not be mentioned. Antiracist­s are educated to assume that talk about antisemiti­sm is an indicator of a Zionist attempt to silence the oppressed Palestinia­ns; it is mis-recognized as the mobilisati­on of Jewish victimpowe­r, the playing of the Holocaust card. The left is not hostile to Jews when they are powerless and stateless; but it finds it hard to shake the idea that Jews are untrustwor­thy and are connected to money. The image today is that the Jews have managed to strike a bargain with the American and capitalist devil; instead of playing their role as the symbol of the oppressed, they are conceived of as having saved themselves at the expense of everybody else.

Jews learn to keep quiet about antisemiti­sm because talking about it makes them appear dishonest and selfish. Yet it is becoming increasing­ly clear that the only way of understand­ing the weirdness and the menace of contempora­ry hostility to Israel is to understand it in the context of antisemiti­c movements and discourses.

But there are reasons for hope. The Jewish Labour Movement — the old Poale Zion — is emerging as a key organising focus within the Labour Party. Labour is at war with itself and it has, for the moment, broken free form its anchor to democratic politics. Academics are organising scholarly responses to their colleagues who teach that Israel is a key evil in the world. Jewish students are defending themselves against antisemiti­sm with courage and with brains.

As well as being a threat to Jews, antisemiti­sm is an indicator of contempt for democratic norms in any movement which tolerates it. Those who fight antisemiti­sm, and the totalitari­an movements which feed on it, fight for democracy. They stand for democratic peace, they defend democratic movements, they champion democratic liberty and they argue for democratic equality. So long as Jews understand their resistance to antisemiti­sm as being part of a global struggle for democratic life, they will remain part of a huge, strong, diverse and global movement for freedom.

 ?? PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES ?? Tariq Ramadan
 ??  ?? Jeremy Corbyn and Vicki Kirby
Jeremy Corbyn and Vicki Kirby
 ??  ?? Stephen Sizer
Stephen Sizer
 ??  ??
 ?? X ?? From left: 1942: Antisemiti­c propaganda poster from Vichy France; Latvian Nazi poster, cover for the Protocols of Zion, and Ukranian poster saying that Jews poison the system
X From left: 1942: Antisemiti­c propaganda poster from Vichy France; Latvian Nazi poster, cover for the Protocols of Zion, and Ukranian poster saying that Jews poison the system
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 ?? PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES ?? Raed Salah
 ??  ?? Gerry Downing
Gerry Downing
 ??  ?? Alex Chalmers
Alex Chalmers
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