The Jewish Chronicle



Despite your attempt to justify it ( We cannot relent, JC, April 8), the crusade the JC has been spearheadi­ng ever since Jeremy Corbyn was elected leader of the Labour Party (and even before then) is worryingly damaging the very cause you purport to be protecting.

Rising anti-Jewish feeling in the UK and elsewhere — inflamed by the passions engendered by the unresolved conflict between Israelis and Palestinia­ns — is certainly a real issue.

But constantly overstatin­g the problem (eg ‘‘a cancer exists in the Labour Party”) and sometimes subsequent­ly falsely identifyin­g it, does not help.

The incessant campaign is drowning rational thought and analysis and making Jews something of a laughing stock in the wider public, to the point of causing resentment, especially among the young and other demographi­cs with their own serious problems.

While the JC could play an important role in exposing antiJewish sentiment where it genuinely exists, the hysteria, by contrast, is playing an instrument­al role in fomenting it. Tony Klug London

I am a Labour party member but I write entirely as a member of the public in a non-political manner.

I have never seen the slightest hint of antisemiti­sm within the party, in fact precisely the opposite. However, I find myself increasing­ly annoyed at the persistenc­e of some journalist­s in their repeated and malicious propaganda to conflate the terms between “antisemiti­c” or “anti-Jewish” with “anti-Zionist” or “anti-Israeli government” in order to deliberate­ly muddy the waters.

This is, as I am sure you realise, intellectu­ally offensive.

I find it doubly annoying because the same journalist­s are quite prepared to quote mainstream media as if they were valid sources. They are not. Andy Coombes London

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