The Jewish Chronicle

Nutritious honey cake

- LISA ROUKIN’S myrelation­shipwithfo­

I have used buckwheat as not only is it gluten free but it also contains high levels of minerals and antioxidan­ts, making this Yom Tov sweet treat more nutritious. I have reduced the sugar content and replaced refined sugar and golden syrup with coconut sugar and honey. Serves: 8-10 Preparatio­n: 40 minutes Baking: 1 hour


200g coconut sugar or (soft light brown sugar) 200g honey, light and mild 250ml sunflower or rapeseed oil 275ml water 4 medium eggs 1 tsp vanilla bean paste, or 1 vanilla bean pod deseeded 300g buckwheat flour ½ tsp ground ginger 1 tsp cinnamon 2 tsp baking powder 2 tsp mixed spice 1 tsp bicarbonat­e of soda 2 tbsp red wine or kiddush wine or kiddush wine


100g flaked almonds 2 tbsp honey, light and mild


Heat the oven to 180°C (160°C fan-assisted).

Line a 24cm spring form baking tin with baking parchment.

Warm the sugar, honey, water, and oil in a pan over a gentle heat until smooth. Take off the heat.

Beat the eggs with the vanilla bean paste until fluffy. Do not over beat.

Then pour in the sugar/honey mixture.

Sieve the flour into a mixing bowl with the spices and baking powder.

In a separate or jug, combine the wine and bicarbonat­e of soda.

Gradually mix in the dry ingredient­s with the egg mixture.

Stir in the wine mixture. Do not over mix, but ensure there are no lumps at the bottom.

Pour the mixture into the baking tin and scatter with the flaked almonds.

Bake for 50 minutes on the middle shelf. Test to see if baked by inserting a knife into the centre. The knife will come out slightly moist, but the cake will continue cooking while cooling.

Leave the cake to cool for 10 minutes, then lightly brush the top of the cake with honey to give it a shiny gloss and for a little extra sweetness.

Put the cake tin on top of a cooling rack to allow the air to cool the bottom of the cake.

Leave to cool for an hour, then cover tightly with foil to keep moist — it doesn’t matter if the cake is still warm.

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