The Jewish Chronicle

Fury as Unesco airbrushes Jews from history


THE EXECUTIVE Board of the United Nations Education, Scientific and Culutral Organisati­on (Unesco) voted 24-6 last week to approve a resolution condemning Israel for its activities in and aroundtheT­empleMount­inJerusale­m.

The resolution omitted the Jewish history of Israel’s capital and referred throughout­toTempleMo­untasAl-Aqsa Mosque/Al-Haram Al-Sharif.

The Western Wall, the last standing remnant of the Second Temple, was given its Islamic name, Al-Buraq Plaza, with “Western Wall Plaza” added in inverted commas.

The Israeli government reacted in anger to the resolution, with Education Minister Naftali Bennett suspending Israel’s membership of Unesco.

However, Israeli government officials noted with satisfacti­on ‘Theatre of the absurd’: Bibi that 26 nations abstained, and that no EU members — including France, which had voted in favour of a similar resolution earlier this year — voted for it. The six nations voting against were the UK, the US, Germany, Lithuania, the Netherland­s and Estonia. The move by the UN agency — whose motto is “building peace in the minds of men and men” — to airbrush Jews from history not only contradict­ed the accepted archaeolog­y of Jerusalem, it also contradict­ed the Christian narrative of Jesus Christ. Theresolut­ionalsocon­demnedIsra­eli plans to build a second Kotel plaza that will serve pluralisti­c streams of Judaism, and made no mention of the work carried out by the Muslim Waqf on Temple Mount to destroy evidence of the Jewish presence there. The resolution was part of a diplomatic war being waged against Israel by the Palestinia­n Authority and a sixyear campaign by the PA and Arab countries to use Unesco as a forum for denying the Jewish history of Temple Mount.

Benjamin Netanyahu described the vote as “the absurd theatre of Unesco” and suggested that its members should visit the 2,000 year-old Arch of Titus in Rome, which depicts the looting of the Jewish Temple by the Romans.

Unesco Director-General Irina Bokova issued a highly irregular statement denouncing the resolution.

More than half of the nations voting in favour had Muslim majorities, while most of the rest were allies of Russia and China, which also voted in favour.

Following the uproar, Mexico and Brazil indicated that they were retreating from their votes in favour of the resolution. Mexico initially asked for a re-vote, but settled for a re-statement of its position.

UNESCO may be the most anti-Israel of all UN agencies. In a typical year, the organisati­on’s legislativ­e bodies will condemn Israel ten or more times, with no criticism adopted for any other country in the world. For example:

In 2009, Unesco adopted ten decisions against Israel (eight at the 181st and 182nd sessions of the Executive Board, and two at the 35th General Conference).

In 2010, Unesco adopted ten decisions against Israel at the 184th and 185th sessions of the Executive board.

In 2011, Unesco again adopted ten decisions against Israel at the 186th and 187th sessions of the Executive Board and two resolution­s against Israel at the 36th session of the General Conference. During this period, an examinatio­n of all Unesco Executive Board decisions and Unesco General Conference resolution­s by monitoring group UN Watch showed that not one other country in the world was censured even once.

 ?? PHOTO: CREATIVE COMMONS ?? Temple Mount, known to Muslims as Al Aqsa
PHOTO: CREATIVE COMMONS Temple Mount, known to Muslims as Al Aqsa
 ?? PHOTO: FLASH 90 ??

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