The Jewish Chronicle

Board slams ‘regressive’ Nation law


ISRAEL’S NEW Nation State law contains regressive measures that risk decaying the country’s democracy and diversity, according to the Board of Deputies.

Senior Vice President Sheila Gewolb said that being Jewish is a “wonderful thing” but should not lead to “doing down” Arab and other minority population­s.

But the statement was not universall­y welcomed: hundreds of people signed an internet petition calling for Ms Gewolb to resign and for the Board to never criticise Israeli goverment policy again without a discussion and vote at a plenary session.

The Jewish Leadership Council told the JC it would not comment on the law.

62 MKs voted last Thursday in favour of the legislatio­n, which says “the expression of national self-determinat­ion in the State of Israel is unique to the Jewish people”, while 55 opposed it. “Whilst we celebrate Israel’s Jewishness, there is concern that some of the measures in this law are regressive steps,” Ms Gewolb said in her statement last week.

“Among Israel’s great strengths are its democracy and diversity. Being Jewish is a wonderful thing, but this should not lead to doing down others.

“All people should be valued and Israel’s Arab and other minority population­s should be a treasured part of society.

“The lesson of Jewish history is that societies are stronger when minorities are affirmed, and they decay when minorities are degraded.”

The law was also criticised by other groups. Yachad, the campaign group for a two-state solution, said “we must speak up in opposition to this racist bill which turns minorities in Israel into second class citizens.”

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