The Jewish Chronicle

How the German Jews failed


THE EMERGENCE of antisemiti­c political parties in the 19th century followed increased enfranchis­ement and free elections: in a democracy, an antisemiti­c electorate will elect antisemite­s. By the end of the 19th century there were about 50 antisemiti­c European parties, and antisemiti­sm as a vote-getter could help win elections.

The German Jews, being the most thoroughly assimilate­d in the 19th century, were among the most troubled by the rise of antisemiti­sm as it threatened their newly-won emancipati­on and rights as Germans in the newly-unified state (as of 1871).

To deal with the problem, they founded in 1893 the official communal representa­tive of German Jewry, the Centralver­ein deutscher Staatsbürg­er jüdischen Glaubens (known as the C.V.).

This became one of the most important Jewish organisati­ons of the preHolocau­st age (by 1933 the C.V. had about 50,000 members in a community of about 600,000). The C.V. aimed to defend the German Jews against antisemiti­sm – or, as its charter put it, to achieve “the protection of the civil and social rights of the German Jews”. So, why did the C.V. fail?

Part of the difficulty involved selfimage: the C.V. presented itself as a German organisati­on representi­ng a fiercely patriotic community that saw itself as German first and imagined itself German by nature and could not be anything else. The problem was that most Germans disagreed. Maximilian Horwitz, first president of the C.V., summed up the reality of a hostile society in which Jews were unwanted: “Stepchildr­en must behave themselves.”

With a highly profession­al legal team, the C.V. set out to fight antisemiti­sm, rationally, systematic­ally, legally, as Germans, in German interests, out of ‘patriotic duty’ - for anti-Semitism gave Germany a “bad name”.

The C.V. aimed to educate Germans to overcome the “misunderst­andings” behind their aversion to Jews. It used all possible legal means to bring anti- semites to justice and supported Liberal, Progressiv­e and Social-Democratic parties against the antisemiti­c German conservati­ves and nationalis­ts.

To avoid the antisemiti­c charge of dual loyalty, the C.V., breaking with other Jewish organisati­ons, abandoned the age-old Jewish solidarity world-wide, stating in its 1893 charter that it would give no aid to non-German Jews.

Decades later, Hannah Arendt accused the C.V. of betraying the Jewish people: ‘“When one is attacked as a Jew,” she wrote, “one must defend oneself as a Jew.” In the 1890s, however, when the C.V. was founded, most Jews who fought antisemiti­sm as Jews were Zionists, a tiny minority. The C.V., committed as it was to a “symbiosis” of Jews and Germans, could never accept a Jewish national ideology separating them from their self-perceived German identity.

Until 1933, the C.V. opposed Zionism more strongly than most Arabs in the early 20th century.

It attacked Herzl, founder of political Zionism, not for the “toxic infection” of his Jewish selfhatred, as Ernst Pawel called it, but as a dangerous utopian dreamer, effectivel­y serving the interests of antisemite­s, for he allegedly aimed to give up Jewish emancipati­on and return to the ghetto. Herzl’s view (expressed in the JC in 1896) that anti-Semitism was ‘the force we need’ for a Jewish national revival was anathema to the assimilate­d German Jews represente­d by the C.V.

Perhaps the most important lesson learned by the C.V. is that legal opposition to antisemiti­sm, however successful, is of limited use in an antisemiti­c society, especially in periods of crisis, military and economic. Prejudice is stronger than facts and reason and cannot easily be defeated by either.

The poison of political antisemiti­sm, writes the historian David Blackbourn, entered the middle classes and nationalis­t movements, and prepared the way for the Holocaust long before Hitler. Antisemiti­c language was so widespread, and had been for so many centuries, that it was impossible to classify it as hate-speak.

Subject to the law and protected by the liberal principle of freedom of expression, antisemiti­c publicatio­ns were published freely and widely read.

The powerlessn­ess of the C.V. against German antisemiti­sm became especially clear during the 1914-1918 war.

German Jews, over 10 per cent of whom were front-line soldiers, were libelled as malingerer­s. The C.V. produced irrefutabl­e evidence to the contrary: in a community of 600,000, about 100,000 had served in the German army, 12,000 died and more than 30,000 won the Iron Cross. Once the German public understood that German Jews were staunch patriots and had given everything “in property and blood” - an Gut und Blut - the “misunderst­anding” would be cleared up.

The leading C.V. spokesman for “symbiosis” of German and Jewish identity was Eugen Fuchs (1856-1923), who, typically of German Jews, believed that the German side in his make-up was stronger than the Jewish side and that he had more in common with Germans than with Jews. Fuchs was repelled by Zionism and by the taint of a Jewish national identity which might give antisemite­s ammunition for the expulsion of the German Jews.

The correct response to antisemiti­sm, in Fuchs’ view, was not flight but greater patriotism, more uncompromi­sing deutscher Gesinnung, and suppressio­n of everything that made Jews different. To assimilate­d Jews like Fuchs, antisemiti­sm was practicall­y justified in relation to the Ostjuden, the Eastern European Jews with their odious Jewish loyalties, described by Zygmunt Bauman as “a large refuse bin of human characteri­stics into which all that nagged the conscience of the Western Jew and filled him with shame was dumped”.

Factual proof that antisemiti­c beliefs were based on lies and error could not uproot prejudice. There was also little point in arguing with a racial antisemite that Jews are not a race.

Racists will not hate Jews less if they are shown irrefutabl­e proof that many have blond hair and blue eyes or that their level of criminalit­y is lower than that of the general population; or that they pay more tax, or give more to charity than average; or that most Jews are neither capitalist­s nor socialists.

It was also futile to prove that the German Jews fought bravely in large num-

The C.V. used all legal means possible to bring antisemite­s to justice ’ Racists will not hate Jews less if there’s proof that they have blond hair and blue eyes ’

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