The Jewish Chronicle

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A 95-YEAR old man has been charged with more than 36,000 counts of being an accessory to murder over his alleged role as an SS guard at the Mauthausen ûXWûNW][K]RXW ûKVY O[XV !)$$

The accused, identified as Hans H for legal reasons, is alleged to have “known about the various methods of killing as well as the disastrous living conditions of the imprisoned people”, according to ]QN 2N[URW >[X\Nû^]X[´\ =OORûN

He is also said to have “been aware that a large number of people were killed with these methods and that the victims could have only been killed with such regularity if they were being P^K[MNM Lā YNXYUN \^ûQ K\ QRV\NUO ²

Hans H served as an SS Rottenfuhr­er, a rank roughly equivalent to corporal, O[XV UK]N !)$$ XWÿK[M\

Around 190,000 people, including many thousands of Jews and Soviet prisoners of war, were held at Mauthausen, 1^\][RK´\ UK[PN\] ûXWûNW][K]RXW ûKVY

At least 36,223 were killed during the time Hans H is said to have served as an AA P^K[M

The SS evacuated Mauthausen in early May 1945, just before its liberation by ]QN CA 1[Vā 6KW\ 6 R\ Kûû^\NM XO \N[þ ing both on the outer perimeter of the camp and inside, as well as guarding a WNK[Lā Z^K[[ā

The rock quarry at Mauthausen was at the base of a climb known as the ±A]KR[\ XO 3NK]Q² 4ĀQK^\]NM KWM VKU nourished prisoners were often forced to run up the 186 stairs, carry roughlyQNÿ­W QNKþā LUXûT\ XO \]XWN

Many of those who survived were placed in rows at the edge of a cliff TWXÿW K\ ±BQN >K[KûQ^]R\]\ öKUU² 1] gunpoint, each prisoner would have the option of being shot or pushing ]QN Y[R\XWN[ RW O[XW] XO QRV XOO ]QN ûUROO

Trials held in Germany over the past decade have advanced the legal view that Nazi camp guards can be charged as accessorie­s to murder even without direct evidence of them actively taking YK[] RW TRUURWP\

The Berlin prosecutor’s office said it had determined that Hans H is able to \]KWM ][RKU 1 ûX^[] ÿRUU WXÿ [NþRNÿ ]QN charges and independen­tly determine ÿQN]QN[ QN R\ OR] ]X LN ][RNM

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