The Jewish Chronicle

Ignorance about the Shoah is ‘frightenin­g’


HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL Day was marked with a warning that a “frightenin­g” level of ignorance about the Shoah was creating a vacuum in which “denial and distortion” could thrive.

In advance of the national commemorat­ion at Westminste­r, research was released suggesting that not only do one in 20 British adults believe the Holocaust did not happen — 64 per cent either don’t know or hugely underestim­ate the number of Jews murdered.

Holocaust Memorial Day Trust chief executive Olivia Marks-Woldman told the JC: “We thought the number of Jews murdered was such an iconic number. We were really surprised and very depressed at how few people could remember [it].

“It’s much more likely to make them very susceptibl­e if they come across Holocaust denial or distortion­s. I’m very worried that people who know so little will be vulnerable to fake news.”

At the ceremony, HMDT chair Laura Marks said it was taking place “at a time of public discomfort and divisions”, with “views too often expressed angrily or without nuance”.

However, it was comforting that around 11,000 HMD events across the country would bring people together.

Speaking of the “frightenin­g lack of knowledge” among Britons about the Holocaust, she warned: “Such a level of ignorance provides a vacuum for outright Holocaust distortion­s.”

In a veiled reference to the presence of Jeremy Corbyn, who is accused of tolerating antisemiti­sm within his party, Ms Marks said: “We were asked if it was appropriat­e to continue to welcome some representa­tives knowing that this may cause distress to Holocaust survivors and refugees.

“But we know through independen­t studies that people who attend Holocaust Memorial Day events learn more, empathise more deeply and go on to do more to build a better future.”

The 80-minute event mixed speeches from dignitarie­s and testimony from Shoah survivors, both live and on film.

Communitie­s Secretary James Brokenshir­e told the audience to remember “those whose lives were cut short and whose loss provides a stark and powerful legacy to us all that demands we challenge hatred and prejudice wherever it exists”.

With regard to rising antisemiti­sm, he added: “I want to reassure our Jewish community that you are an intrinsic part of what makes Britain great. The Government will always stand by you to challenge bigotry and intoleranc­e.”

Survivor Mindu Hornick recalled her experience of being sent to Auschwitz at the age of 12. “I remember asking myself — how could the world remain silent?”

Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis praised Shoah survivors as “among the most extraordin­ary people within our society”.

This year’s HMD theme is Torn from Home and Rabbi Mirvis said those who had set up new homes elsewhere had taken with them “the essence of the homes they had come from — their beliefs, their values, fond memories of the people they loved so dearly. Having gone through hell on earth, they emerged being absolutely dedicated to recreate their homes. This they have done magnificen­tly ... with the same values and the same beliefs.

“They have been absolutely determined to teach the world about love, about unity, about tolerance and peace — and they have been equally determined to confront antisemiti­sm and all forms of racism and prejudice.”

Shoah survivors, Kindertran­sport refugees and survivors of the Rwandan, Bosnian and Cambodian genocides lit memorial candles and cantor Jonny Turgel — grandson of the late survivor Gena Turgel — sang the memorial prayer, El Male Rachamim.

Actors Penelope Wilton, Nina Sosanya, Sheila Hancock and Sanjeev Bhaskar read from works about the Holocaust and subsequent genocides.

The ceremony closed with LGBT chamber choir The Fourth Choir performing

Somewhere Over The Rainbow, which the audience was reminded, was written by two Jewish Americans as the Kindertran­sport was taking place. On screen, names and photos of Holocaust survivors were displayed, together with the places in Britain they made their new homes.

People who know so little will be vulnerable to fake news’

 ??  ?? Top left: Mindu Hornick with her daughter Jacqualine Herron and granddaugh­ter Bibi Herron
Top left: Mindu Hornick with her daughter Jacqualine Herron and granddaugh­ter Bibi Herron
 ??  ?? Bottom left: Rachel (Ruzena) Levy with her daughter Shelley
Bottom left: Rachel (Ruzena) Levy with her daughter Shelley
 ??  ?? Top right: Schoolchil­dren decorated model houses reflecting the theme of Torn from Home
Top right: Schoolchil­dren decorated model houses reflecting the theme of Torn from Home
 ??  ?? Bottom right: Home Secretary Sajid Javid with Laura Marks, chair of the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust, and survivor Hannah Lewis
Bottom right: Home Secretary Sajid Javid with Laura Marks, chair of the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust, and survivor Hannah Lewis

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