The Jewish Chronicle


Includes material not in the Etgar Handbook


1. On which occasion is Megillat Kohelet read? a. Succot b. Pesach c. Chanukah d. Shavuot e. Tishah B’Av

2. Which of the following rabbis lived most recently? a. Yosef Karo b. Chafetz Chaim c. Resh Lakish d. Maharal e. Ramban

3. Which party holds the second largest number of seats in the current Knesset, after Likud? a. Shas b. Jewish Home c. Yesh Atid d. Joint Arab list e. The Zionist Union

4. Of the 613 commandmen­ts how may are positive? a. 150 b. 175 c. 248 d. 365 e. 488

5. Who was in charge of building the Mishkan? a. Boaz b. Betzalel c. Eliezer d. Nachum e. Nadav

6. Find the odd one out: a. months in a leap year b. principles of faith c. attributes of mercy d. age of barmitzvah e. minor prophets

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