The Jewish Chronicle

Nuturally delighted with these spreads


I was sent some of Nutural World’s nut butters to try ahead of Pesach and they’ll definitely be on my shopping list. They’re not cheap, but they’ll help my peanut butter-addicted family to make it through the eight days without totally meltdown. We get through buckets of the spread during the rest of the year — on sandwiches, with apple to dip into it and even straight from the jar with a spoon. But peanuts, of course, are kitniot.

The Nutural World almond butter comes in smooth or crunchy and will go down a storm in a smoothie, or drizzled over a bowl of cold yoghurt and fresh fruit salad for breakfast.

Or we’ll use it as a dip for slices of apple or pear when my children are begging for a snack. I’ll be slathering it over matzah and topping it with mashed banana.

It will even work as a salad dressing, let down with some water, olive oil and seasoned with salt and pepper. Try it over salad leaves with toasted almonds and cranberrie­s or over roasted veggies.

The Nutty Chocolate Spread is a saintly version of Nutella. Simply nuts, dates and cacao, ground up and poured into a jar. No one in my house is going to complain about a spoonful of that drizzled over their bubelach (matzah meal pancakes) or on their morning matzah. Just don’t tell them that when the children are in bed you’ll most likely find me standing in the kitchen spooning it straight from the jar…

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