The Jewish Chronicle




5 Olga wanders north to these strategic Israeli Heights (5)

6 To pray (Yiddish) (5)

9 Jewish religious college’s training is heavy (7)

10 Pitta bread wrapped snack popular in Israel (7)

12 Mistakenly, he praises old Jewish sectarians (9)

13 Bond, perhaps, has quiet time coming up (5)

15 Clutch, for example, ends of grass (4)

17 Adam’s grandson formerly stationed in Glasgow (5)

18 A great deal upset, I go into heavy work (4)

19 “Woe is me ... that I dwell beside the tents of ***** (Psalms 120:5) (5) 20 Jacob’s Egyptian wife (Gen. 41:45) (9)

23 A drink expensive in France, he informs one (7)

24 Divine messenger cracked rib in rough gale! (Dan. 9:21) (7)

25 A thief, a villain (Yiddish) (5)

26 Desert, say, occupying half of Nevada (5)


1 Stuns girl following strict Jewish dietary laws (6)

2 Day return to Virginia has Noah’s son at Shoah Memorial in Jerusalem (3,6)

3 Crippled getting the twelfth letter of the Aleph Bet (5)

4 Joyful occasions (Hebrew) (8)

7 A crazy fellow, a nutcase (Yiddish) (11) 8 The opening words in English of ‘The Shema’ (4,1,6)

11 Israeli city housing The Weizmann Research Institute (7) 14 Born loser, perenially unlucky person (Yiddish) (9)

16 Traditiona­l Ashkenazi marriagema­ker (Yiddish/Hebrew) (8) 21 Husband’s a very versatile fellow (6)

22 Prophet accepting fine Torah scroll (Hebrew) (5) HOW TO PLAY: Use the letter tiles from the game of Scrabble to spell out the answers to the clues below. Do not use the two blank tiles. Place the tiles on the Scrabble board according to the grid references given with the clues. If you successful­ly complete the puzzle, you will have used all 98 tiles. ACROSS

1F Leave nothing behind in South America. (5)

1J Sign for another person. (5)

1M Day on which the sun shines. (5) 2C Cover over the cake with it. (8) 5H Blood letter. (5)

5K Sneakily listen to the insect. (6) 7F Keeps for a rainy day. (7)

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