The Jewish Chronicle




1 Valuable items of property, like TVs maybe (6)

4 Ancient port named after old Rome’s boss 40 km south of Haifa (8)

9 Destroyed in the tempestuou­s Red Sea (6)

10 One of the Nevi’im known for his woeful prediction­s (8)

12 Jewish religious songs often hummed or with the melody repeated (Hebrew) (8)

13 ‘David went up from thence, and dwelt in the stronghold­s of ‘ ** **** ’ (1 Sam. 23:29) (2,4)

15 Original plot written about in Genesis (6,2,4)

18 Traditiona­lly Jewish area of north London (7,5)

21 King of Ammon (1 Sam. 11:1) (6)

22 A fool, a buffoon (Yiddish) (8)

24 The stone between Mizpah and Shen named by Sanuel (1 Sam. 7:12) (8)

25 Old port town near Haifa whose castle was the Knights Templars’ last redoubt (6)

26 Greasy fat for cooking (Yiddish) (8) 27 Looked to be in deeper trouble! (6)


1 One of three fired - retired and gone to pieces (Dan. 2:49) (8)

2 Walks jauntily, as does a happy dog on board (8)

3 Solomon’s dusky girlfriend (1 Kings 10:4) (3,5,2,5)

5 Victim of early murderer competent in hearing (Gen. 4:8) (4)

6 London’s HQ of British Reform Judaism (9,6)

7 Bankrupt union, regularly overdrawn? (6)

8 Ancient site and coastal National Park between Acre (Akko) and the Lebanese border (6)

11 French Department ignored in reorganisa­tion (7) 14 Fire stations? (7)

16 Eating heartily, scoff as stone-setter, perhaps? (8)

17 Tanned suspect going round old island ceremonial­ly smeared in oil (8) 19 Heavenly messengers a German Marxist beheaded (6)

20 Beat about the ears! (6) 23 Grass, being open to bribes (4)

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