The Jewish Chronicle

Shechita board partner goes solo


V THE FEDERATION of Synagogues has confirmed it will pull out of the London Board for Shechita, the kosher meat supervisor­y body for the capital’s central Orthodox communitie­s.

The Federation has been one of the Board’s three constituen­t partners, along with the United Synagogue and the S & P Sephardi Community.

After the JC reported sources in the kosher meat industry saying the Federation was planning to leave, the three synagogue groups issued a joint statement.

It said the Federation had indicated a wish to “formally withdraw” from the middle of January, around the time of the retirement of the head of its Beth Din, Dayan Yisroel Lichtenste­in.

“This move simply reflects what has been the de facto position since the Federation set up its independen­t shechita operation some four years ago.”

The Federation launched its own mehadrin meat label in 2015 to appeal to the more Orthodox consumers.

Although the board was initially critical of the venture, the organisati­on remained intact. The Federation’s shechita operation will continue under the incoming president of its Beth Din, the Gateshead Rav, Rabbi Shraga Feivel Zimmerman, and Dayan Yehoshua Posen.

Meanwhile, Dayan Menachem Gelley of the London Beth Din and Dayan Abraham David of the Sephardi Beth Din will supervise the London Board.

The LBS and Federation have pledged to “continue to liaise on areas of mutual interest and do not anticipate any disruption to the supply of kosher meat within the UK”.

We will continue to liaise on areas of mutual interest’

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