The Jewish Chronicle

The harrowing and movin


Self-porttait by Miklos Adler

Just as Seder night is different from all other nights, so was the Holocaust Haggadah created by survivors for survivors seventy-five years ago for Passover 1946.

“Haggadah” means “retelling”. On this occasion, that reflected the gruesome modern-day reality of having been “slaves” to Hitler.

The radical, manmade A Survivors’ Haggadah was written in Hebrew and Yiddish by Yosef Sheinson, a Lithuanian Hebrew teacher and survivor of the Kovno Ghetto. Accompanyi­ng the book were seven haunting woodcuts of the War, illustrate­d by Hungarian artist and Theresiens­tadt survivor Miklos Adler.

One brutal illustrati­on correspond­s with the wellknown sentence “for not only one has risen against us to destroy us.” It depicted a soldier shooting several prisoners. In the final woodcut, smoke is seen curling up from tall chimneys, becoming the disembodie­d heads of an old couple and a child. At the top of the picture are the words: “Go forth to the Land”. The caption below

“Therefore we are obligated…”

in Hebrew states, “therefore we are obligated”.

One explanatio­n is that this image presents God’s instructio­ns to Abraham in Genesis. It suggests that the survivors’ duty, destiny and hope is in the Land of Israel.

The seven woodcuts in the Haggadah

are part of a greater series that were produced by Miklos Adler, an accomplish­ed artist.

After being liberated from Theresiens­tadt, the thirty-six year-old had just one mission: to show the world what the Nazis and their collaborat­ors did to the Jews.

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