The Jewish Chronicle



NEWS of the expulsion of Ken Loach from Labour last weekend helped trigger a social media trend in which Jeremy Corbyn-supporting Twitter users claimed that the Labour antisemiti­sm crisis was part of a ‘gigantic fraud’ and a ‘scam’.

The left-wing users deployed hashtag ‘#ItWasAScam’ to suggest that the Jew-hate allegation­s in the party were cooked up to smear left-wing politician­s.

The trend was described as “a celebratio­n and exposé of the antisemiti­sm smearing industry” by Brighton-based writer Simon Maginn, who has admitted he has been investigat­ed by the Labour Party over antisemiti­sm allegation­s.

He called for Labour supporters to, “stop talking about ‘antisemiti­sm’ and start talking about fraud. Cold, deliberate, intentiona­l fraud, on a gigantic scale”.

Prominent leftwing accounts used the tag to echo Mr Loach’s claim in the wake of his expulsion from Labour that “there is indeed a witch-hunt”.

Former Momentum vice-chair Jackie Walker, herself expelled from Labour after she questioned Holocaust Memorial Day for commemorat­ing only Jewish victims, retweeted an account using the divisive hashtag and referred to the party’s antisemiti­sm scandal as “one s. [sic] of the greatest mass political frauds”.

She said: “[Antisemiti­sm] exists for sure and of course it is a problem, but the overstatin­g of it, and the priority given has destroyed much progress towards a more equal society.”

Tweeting under #ItWasAScam tag, anonymous account ‘WikiJewSoc’ said: “If Jeremy Corbyn really was an antisemite, why do they have to fabricate quotes and redefine antisemiti­sm to ‘prove’ it?”

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