The Jewish Chronicle


Includes material not in the Etgar Handbook


1. In 1915, Britain and France agreed to divide the Ottoman Empire in a document called: a. Sykes-Picot Agreement b. McMahon-Hussein Letters c. Palestine Partition Plan d. The White Paper e. Treaty of Westphalia

2. What was the relationsh­ip between Rivka and Dina? a. aunt and niece b. mother and daughter c. grandmothe­r and granddaugh­ter d. sisters e. they weren’t related

3. Approximat­ely how many years did the Judges rule over Israel? a. 100 b. 200 c. 300 d. 400 e. 500

4. Which colours could tzara’at on an item of clothing be? a. blue and yellow b. blue and green c. black and blue d. red and black e. red and green

5. Lashon hara is an example of: a. mitzvah bein adam l’chaveyro b. mitzvah bein adam l’Makom c. mitzvat aseih d. a rabbinic prohibitio­n e. a Noahide law

6. What is the first book in Ketuvim? a. Song of Songs b. Job c. Mishlei d. Tehillim e. Esther

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