The Jewish Chronicle

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I refer to Rodney Curtis’ letter, “Give Christians a break,” (JC, 17 June). I disagree with doing so regarding the odious organisati­on Jews For Jesus. I do, however, agree with him concerning the Church’s recent, high-profile attempt to apologise to the Jewish people for anti-Jewish laws that were passed 800 years ago that effectivel­y expelled Jews from the UK. At a special service held at Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford attended by the Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, marking the Synod of Oxford in 1222, a long overdue apology was issued. In order to deal with contempora­ry antisemiti­sm and help heal the rift that has historical­ly been there between Christians and Jews, this was a good start and one endorsed by many in the Christian and Jewish communitie­s. Such an apology is to be commended.

As to whether Mr Curtis’ assertion that we kindly accept our sincere apology and repentance (even after 800 years), this needs to be demonstrat­ed by the behaviour of people as they go about their daily lives. I hope that the Church’s top-level lead will filter down to all Christians (and maybe even those of other faiths and none), so that we experience a lot less antisemiti­sm (and, Baruch Hashem, none at all) going forward. Stephen Miller


What is it about Israeli politics that means there seems to be an election almost as often as I have to put out the bins (“Watch out Lapid, Bibi is back on the prowl”, 24 June)? Yes, I know they have a very different electoral system with proportion­al representa­tion and the consequent unstable complexiti­es of multi-party coalitions. Still, as anyone with the most passing knowledge of Israeli character knows, this is a nation where no one is afraid to speak their mind and furious argument is the norm — maybe we all get the system we deserve. You wonder how long the prime ministers in the UK would last if we could swap the great British stiff upper lip for a bit of Israeli chutzpah and frank talking.

Harry Cohen


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