The Jewish Chronicle

Corbyn apologises for ‘rampant hate’ on PSC marches


THE PALESTINE Solidarity Campaign (PSC) has apologised for the antisemiti­sm present in the marches in London on Saturdays.

Jeremy Corbyn MP, patron of the PSC, told the JC: “I am very sorry for the rampant Jew-hate that can be seen week in, week out on the streets of London at marches partly organised by the PSC.

“I am also very sorry that a genocidal slogan, ‘from the river to the sea’, was projected onto Big Ben at one of our rallies a few weeks ago. It was shameful.”

Corbyn also apologised for the antisemiti­sm that was rife in the Labour party under his tenure. “I have certainly learned my lesson,” he told the JC.

“Since October 7, I’ve been thinking a lot. It was so wrong of me to call Hamas and Hezbollah ‘friends’ and to invite unsavoury characters to the Houses of Parliament.

What was I thinking?”

The Islington North MP added that he planned a visit to Israel this year to show solidarity with the Jewish state as it continues to battle the jihadis of Hamas.

“Let me be very clear: I stand with Israel and the forces of liberalism and tolerance against the savagery and fundamenta­lism of Hamas,” Corbyn said.

“Israel is the only place in the Middle East where women, minorities and gay people are respected. The Jewish state is on the frontlines of the battle against jihadism which threatens us all. I see that now.”

The veteran parliament­arian was speaking ahead of the festival of Purim, during which it is customary to wear fancy dress, play practical jokes and get drunk.

“As a gesture of solidarity, the PSC will be handing out free hamantasch­en to all attendees at the march on Saturday, together with a leaflet condemning the Hamas barbarism of October 7,” Corbyn confirmed. “From now on, slogans like ‘from the river to the sea’ and ‘globalise the intifada’ will be banned at our rallies, to be replaced by ‘bring them home’, ‘Hamas, Hamas, lay down your arms,’ and ‘Am Yisrael Chai’.”

One can hold left-wing views but also to be a Zionist, he added, as all people of conscience should stand with the Middle East’s only democracy. “Like President Biden, I am now a Zionist,” he said, waving an Israeli flag. “Happy Purim.”

 ?? ?? ‘I’m sorry’: Corbyn
‘I’m sorry’: Corbyn

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