The Jewish Chronicle

Excluding extremists from public life: crucial but hard


TIt is relatively easy to lay down definition­s of extremism

wo weeks ago, the prime minister spoke outside 10 Downing Street of the “shocking increase” in extremism and how “democracy itself is a target”. Last week, the communitie­s secretary unveiled a refined definition of extremism, designed to ensure that the state no longer engages with suspect organisati­ons or people. Such engagement has long been a favoured tactic of Islamists, who use the legitimacy gained through contacts with officials and other arms of the state to push their agenda.

This week, we reveal how one of the most prominent supporters of Hamas was welcomed to a reception at the House of Commons for a charity event. The head of the charity, Imam Asim Hafiz, the primary Muslim chaplain to our armed forces, is known to oppose extremism. But he was a member of a WhatsApp group that included a number of people linked with suspect organisati­ons. There he was, not only rubbing shoulders with deeply unsavoury people at the House of Commons but participat­ing in a WhatsApp group with them. He didn’t invite them personally. But this story illustrate­s the the depth and scale of the problem, not least because it shows the regularity and ease with which people who should be nowhere near Parliament end up attending functions and meetings within its walls.

It is relatively easy to lay down definition­s of extremism and rules of engagement; it is fiendishly difficult to ensure that people and organisati­ons that should be excluded from mainstream contact are indeed frozen out. Difficult but essential.

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