The Jewish Chronicle

Seromakowi­ec — poppy-seed cheesecake


For the Cheesecake:

400g poppy seed paste or 1 x 850g can of masa makowa

100g butter, at room temperatur­e, plus extra for greasing

100g caster sugar

2 eggs

1 tsp vanilla bean paste

400g cream cheese or twaróg sernikowy (see note)

100ml sour cream

75ml double cream

45g cornflour or potato flour icing sugar, for dusting

Rinse the poppy seeds, drain them through a muslin cloth and then cover with the boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes. Grind the soaked seeds in a high-powered blender or a coffee grinder. Set aside.

In a food processor, whizz up the mixed peel and raisins with the flour and baking powder. Add the honey, almond extract, poppy seeds and melted butter, and stir well.

Store in a sterilised jar in the refrigerat­or for up to 1 week. It also freezes well. Bring the paste back up to room temperatur­e before using.


If making your own poppy seed paste, take it out of the fridge to come to room temperatur­e. If using canned, transfer to a bowl and leave it at room temperatur­e.

Preheat your oven to 170°C/150°C Fan.

Grease and line a 30 x 23cm rectangula­r baking tin, about 5cm/2in deep, with butter and baking paper.

In a clean bowl or a stand mixer, beat the caster sugar and butter together for a few minutes. Add the eggs, one by one, and beat again, followed by the vanilla bean paste. Beat in the cream cheese, then the sour cream. Pour in the double cream and beat again until slightly thickened. Stir in the cornflour/potato flour until fully incorporat­ed.

Spread half the poppy seed paste over the bottom of the lined tin, then pour in the cheesecake batter. Use a tablespoon to drop small amounts of the remaining poppy seed paste all over the cheesecake batter, then use a knife to carefully swirl the paste into the mixture to create a pattern.

Prepare a bain marie by filling a large, shallow roasting tin ¾ full with hot water. Place your cheesecake tin into the hot water, then transfer it to the oven. Bake for 55 minutes–1 hour. It is ready when the sides are firm but the centre is still a little jiggly.

The top should be light golden. Once baked, turn your oven off, open the door slightly and leave the cheesecake inside the oven for 1 hour.

Carefully remove the cheesecake from the oven. Leave to cool, then place in the refrigerat­or to chill overnight.

The next day, carefully remove the cheesecake from the tin and remove the baking paper. Dust with icing sugar and cut into slices.

COOK’s Tip: Twaróg: normal supermarke­t cream cheese is perfectly fine here, but if you’re near a Polish shop, look out for twarog sernikowy, which is for cheesecake­s. Other types of twarog or white cheese are too crumbly. Full-fat is best.

Recipe adapted from: The Sweet Polish Kitchen by Ren Behan (Pavilion)

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