The Journal

Prison for thug who hit partner

- ROB KENNEDY Court reporter

AVIOLENT brute who continued to attack his girlfriend as blood gushed from her face has been locked up.

Leslie Swainston lashed out with such ferocity his partner was rendered unconsciou­s and the leg of the sofa she was on snapped.

The victim needed seven stitches to a laceration he caused just above her eye and has been left scarred.

Prosecutor Shada Mellor said the violence happened at Swainston’s home in Sunderland in December 2019, where the then couple were drinking and had been arguing.

Miss Mellor told Newcastle Crown Court: “Without provocatio­n he got up, grabbed her by the hair and threw her onto the sofa he had been sitting on.

“He started punching her in the head and face, this was until she lost consciousn­ess.

“When she came round she felt horrendous pain in her right eye.

“When she leaned forward she describes seeing blood gushing from her eye area, this was pouring onto the floor.

“The defendant began punching her to the head and face once again. She tried to defend herself.”

The court heard the victim managed to grab her phone and call the police, despite Swainston trying to grab it from her.

She was taken to Sunderland Royal Hospital where she had an X-ray and CT scan as well as seven stitches to the wound near her eye.

The victim said in a statement the attack changed her life “beyond belief” and added: “I have been left with a scar that is a constant reminder to me, every time I look in the mirror. It is visible to people.”

The woman has since married someone else and said: “It is supposed to be one of the best things that ever happened to someone but my relationsh­ip has also been affected. I regularly snap at my partner for no reason because I am having flashbacks.”

Swainston, 37, of Quayside House, Sunderland, who has previous conviction­s and served a sixyear sentence for violence in the past, was convicted of assault after a trial at magistrate­s’ court, in his absence.

Judge Tim Gittins sentenced him to 18 months behind bars with a five-year restrainin­g order.

Judge Gittins told Swainston: “You are a bad drunk. You can’t control how much you have once you start and you can’t control your temper.

“The result is pain and misery to those who get in your way.”

Vic Laffey, defending, said Swainston has a good work ethic and has been looking for employment.

Mr Laffey said Swainston now consumes a “very low” level of alcohol and added: “The court won’t see him again.

“He tells me he has learned his lesson and if given a chance he will prove that.”

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> Leslie Swainston

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