The Journal

Time out EXTRA


who, what, where, when?

WHO in Greek mythology is reputed to have killed Acis by crushing him with a rock?

WHAT is the first track on the 1977 album The Clash by The Clash?

WHERE did the Cincinnati Reds baseball team play from 1970-2002?

WHEN did Imre Kertesz win the Nobel Prize in Literature?

remember when...

The following events all occurred in a year in living memory. Can you guess the year?

1. The Generation Game made its debut on the BBC

2. T Rex had a UK No. 1 hit single with Get It On

3. Britons had to adapt to the new decimal currency

4. Gene Hackman starred in The French Connection


Steve asked Melissa her age.

Melissa replied, “If you reverse the order of its digits and then add their sum, you get half my age.”

How old was she?


The word may sound familiar, but what does it mean?


A Out of fashion

B Without columns C Sagacious

who am I?

An actor, I was born in Texas in 1970. I am distantly related to the playwright Tennessee Williams. My films include Before Sunrise and Dead Poets Society, and I was once married to Uma Thurman.

10 questions

1. David Scott Cowper from Newcastle was the first man to sail solo around the world via which notoriousl­y problemati­c route?

2. Which 1968 hit song featured a young Elton John on backing vocals?

3. The Colossus of Rhodes was a representa­tion of which deity?

4. What is a dolorimete­r used to measure?

5. The Latin for ‘good faith’ gave us which term?

6. In 1977, the aviation accident that caused the greatest loss of life happened on which island?

7. What would you do with a chinoise?

8. Jules Rimet held which position in sport for 33 years?

9. To the nearest mile, how far would you travel if you drove from central Newcastle to Tynemouth Priory via the A1058 Coast Road?

10. What was the nationalit­y of the film director Stanley Kubrick?

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