The Journal

Launch of AI platform will be game changer for publishers

- COREENA FORD Senior Business Writer

ANEW networking platform has been launched in Newcastle to provide publishers with access to new digital tools to grow their business models

Computer software company Reveela Technologi­es, based in Newcastle, has spent more than four years developing Reveela. com, an AI-based platform which uses artificial intelligen­ce to sift through huge amounts of data.

Kerry Veitch, co-founder of Reveela, said: “With the rise of digital media, it has become impossible for a person to manually identify and share their informatio­n across all relevant outlets.

“The content creation industry has billions of outlets and it grows noisier by the day.

“Now Reveela can do the heavylifti­ng for you in an instant – it can observe, interpret, evaluate and, yes, make decisions at almost incomprehe­nsible speed. Reveela never stops learning for itself and evolving.”

Having gone live, the team plan to get Reveela rooted in the UK before growing their global ambitions wherever the English language is spoken. After that, the system will be translated into other languages.

Founder and CEO John Graham said: “Reveela’s brain can process huge volumes of data in seconds to generate insights at speed that aren’t humanly possible.

“Reveela’s unique selling point is its ability to actually evaluate the media landscape as a whole, and actually understand the informatio­n running through its veins.

“The more users interact with it, the more it understand­s and directs.

“The English language is incredibly complex and getting Reveela to understand context and syntax and therefore the true intent of a communicat­ion has been incredibly challengin­g.”

Prof Boguslaw Obara, professor of image informatic­s at the Newcastle University’s school of computing has worked on the project.

He said: “It has been my pleasure to be a part of an academic team supporting the generation of Reveela.

“One of the challenges we had to overcome in this project was data preparatio­n, which is a crucial step for enabling data science teams at Reveela to find, prepare and share complex data for their integratio­n, analytics, and data science use cases. Reveela’s publishing ecosystem has the potential to reinvigora­te the publishing industry’s approach to the launch of digital content and engagement with new readers.”

Reveela never stops learning for itself and evolving Kerry Veitch

 ??  ?? > From left: John Graham, founder Reveela Technologi­es, Boguslaw Obara, professor of image informatic­s at the School of Computing, University of Newcastle, and Kerry Veitch, co-founder Reveela Technologi­es
> From left: John Graham, founder Reveela Technologi­es, Boguslaw Obara, professor of image informatic­s at the School of Computing, University of Newcastle, and Kerry Veitch, co-founder Reveela Technologi­es

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