The Journal



ARIES March 21–April 20

Think before you answer a question put to you by your boss or someone in authority. A hot-headed response may not be appropriat­e. A text message will cause confusion. Your correspond­ent has misunderst­ood a situation. Try not to take harsh words to heart.

TAURUS April 21-May 21

You like to feel you are honest and trustworth­y but an in-law’s comments make you wonder why they see you very differentl­y to the person you actually are. It may be they will never approve of some of the decisions you make because it makes them feel threatened.

GEMINI May 22-June 21

A neighbour will ask too many questions about your private life. This person has a reputation for being a gossip and you aren’t being impolite in telling them to mind their own business. An older relative will make suggestion­s that sound like orders. It’s unlikely you’ll allow them to get their own way.

CANCER June 22-July 23

Instead of voicing your opinions in a group meeting, it might be to your benefit to ask some more questions. Someone will know something you haven’t been aware of and once you hear about this, you will have a very different feeling about the issue being discussed.

LEO July 24-Aug 23

A friend or workmate seems to be stumbling over a few difficulti­es. You might sense they could do with a helping hand and you will be the first to offer yours. As it is, you are dealing with routine chores quickly and this leaves you with time to spare to catch up on neglected jobs.

VIRGO Aug 24-Sept 23

A project or assignment is almost over. This brings you to the end of what has been a lively and hectic few weeks. You have been constantly on the go and the rewards will have made it worth any sacrifices you made to get this far. You have a lot to be proud about and should remember that. CAPRICORN

LIBRA Sept 24–Oct 23

Up until now no one seems to have been inclined to start the ball rolling on a group project. This is something that has been planned for some time but it needs someone to get it started. You’re ready to see to the preliminar­ies and once you take the initiative, everyone will be keen to join in.

SCORPIO Oct 24-Nov22

Don’t be surprised if you start to question how reliable some people in your life might be. Inaccurate informatio­n being shared could cause problems if it is taken seriously. Someone has exaggerate­d a situation to make it look worse or better than it actually is.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23-Dec 21

You’re feeling tense due to a financial concern or worries about the likely behaviour of a past tie who has reappeared in your life. Whatever is on your mind, talk it over with your partner or someone you trust. If you need help, then ask. Emotional ties remain as strong as ever.

CAPRICORN Dec 22-Jan 20

Worries you find difficult to talk about keep you tossing and turning at night. Even so, the day should get off to a promising start when news you hear will delight you. This will take your mind off other concerns and help to ease feelings of tension. Everything feels better in the morning.

AQUARIUS Jan 21-Feb 19

It really won’t matter if a close friend or partner isn’t interested in your plans. You’re doing what you want to do and, at the moment, that’s what’s important. Once you have plotted a course for yourself, stick with it and you are more likely to achieve your aims and intentions.

PISCES Feb 20-Mar 20

You can’t make heads or tails of what is going on regarding a community or neighbourh­ood event. Everybody you speak to tells you something that’s different. You aren’t the only one who is confused as everyone seems to be seeing it from their own perspectiv­e.

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