The Journal

Civil service is just not fit


ANNA and Kim Davies give a very detailed account regarding their efforts to bring Ukrainian refugees to this country and then spoil it in their last sentence by blaming the government.

There is a widespread belief that the government of the country of whatever descriptio­n run the day to day business of the country.

It is the Civil Service supposedly impartial in its actions. You may recall Alan Johnson’s remarks when he was Home Secretary when he said that the Home Office was not fit for purpose. The current Home Secretary found that nothing had changed when she took over and when she tried to sort things out was accused of bullying.

Apart from the refugee problem there is now a problem with passport applicatio­ns. In the past year I have personally had long running problems with two government department­s and in both cases I was dealing with people working from home and there was no coordinati­on with their colleagues working elsewhere. Mr Rees-Mogg recently exposed the many civil servants still not back at their desks and was mocked for doing so.

Sadly until these people get back to work in their offices we will continue to be subjected to delays and incompeten­ce let alone the irritating long waits on the telephone: ‘We are experienci­ng heavy numbers of calls please call back later, you are 51st in the queue.’

Those who did put their country first and stayed at work during the pandemic are now being fined for having a piece of birthday cake in the office. Shame on all those who think that is just.

Brian Taylor, North Shields

 ?? ?? > Jacob Rees-Mogg is keen for civil servants to return to their offices
> Jacob Rees-Mogg is keen for civil servants to return to their offices

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