The Journal

Cryptic crossword



1. Feline connection­s, we hear (4) 3. The result of people putting their hands together (8) 8. Those attending the opening of the Games had a meal... (4) 9. ...on condition that it’s supplied (8) 11. Etiquette to be observed by those who are taking courses (5,7) 13. One-eyed implement to cause irritation (6) 14. The poster must be rewritten quickly (6) 17. Keep an eye on directorat­es – they provide informatio­n (6-6) 20. Trygon straying all over the place (8) 21. This shows the cost of the hedging tool (4) 22. Does some blowing up, leading to the general’s downfall (8) 23. See 6 Down


1. Is thundery but becomes sunnier (8) 2. Celebrated maitre d’hotel’s reason for refusing a reservatio­n? (7) 4. Being dreadfully hard up could indicate female segregatio­n (6) 5. Part of the house made from existing space (6,4) 6 & 23Ac. Prepared for war, but supplies too few weapons (5,4) 7. Finishes off the scraps (4) 10. One in charge of the tolls (4-6) 12. Provides comfort once loss is adjusted (8) 15. Ruler is in disorder and more grumpy (7) 16. Royal direction to have a feast (6) 18. Window giving different view of the Loire (5) 19. Watery spot to which Elsie endlessly goes back (4)

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